Adult haircutting experiences

Just been for my first hair cut in more than 2 years.

Since the lockdowns I've enjoyed the quiet, the routines, the lack of pressure to be out in busy places socialising.

Went back to somewhere I have been before and I was totally unused to it. Pains, sensory overwhelm, couldn't understand convos, went into my shell and could have agreed to anything (but thankfully a day later I can see I didn't have my head completely shaved or anything too drastic, haha, phew.) When I eventually got home I was ready to meltdown. Fearful of the sudden change to my hair.

Last time I was there I had no idea I was autistic. I don't remember SO much overwhelm, but I do remember it being a 'bigger' experience but couldn't pinpoint how. Yet I also remember some times of complete quiet - which tended to be when there was lots of white noise from hair dryers, etc. I could zone out, kind of an out-of-body experience, but also ran the risk of getting disorientated and forgetting what I'm supposed to do, leading to panic.

I totally understand that hairdressers and barbers could be hugely overwhelming places now, and I'm seriously considering cutting my own hair, but I don't think I'd do well with that at all so for now I'll continue putting myself through this as infrequently as I can...

What are your experiences with hair cuts - especially before and after the lockdowns?

Also, have any of you ever confided in a hairdresser / barber about being autistic? Did it help?

  • I gave up hairdressers for the reason of noise and chit chat years ago ,

    but have discovered that using noise in headphones can help me in public places also earplugs for autistic people are getting more recommendations nowadays. I would put the name up but think may be against forum rules?  

  • Someone has suggested a brand of ear plugs to me before so I don't think it is. They recommended Flare to me. I like them but they aren't perfect so I'd like to try some other brands.

  • Yes, that's the brand I have, Michelle!

    I had trouble finding a good fit for one ear, but grateful they sent me the smaller size to try for free.

    They're fine as long as I can keep popping it back into that one ear. I think it was the Calmer set. I keep forgetting to take them with me when I go out - I think they work best in noisier environments. Need to try this.

    I'm open to other recommendations, too. I've got some reusable foam ear plugs, but not used them as much as I don't always want to completely block the sound. 

  • Yes, that's the brand I have, Michelle!

    I had trouble finding a good fit for one ear, but grateful they sent me the smaller size to try for free.

    They're fine as long as I can keep popping it back into that one ear. I think it was the Calmer set. I keep forgetting to take them with me when I go out - I think they work best in noisier environments. Need to try this.

    I'm open to other recommendations, too. I've got some reusable foam ear plugs, but not used them as much as I don't always want to completely block the sound. 

  • I don't even like walking around listening to music in public. Probably doesn't help that I now work in the field of sexual violence so I'm becoming even more cautious about my personal safety. 

    If I get some Loop plugs I'll let you know. I've not been going anywhere recently so I've not bothered worrying about it too much.

  • Loop

    I wonder if the Loop ones are the ones with the big rings that are more visible? I spotted them a while back. Love to hear how you find them if you decide to get some.

    My children might start feeling completely unloved and ignored if I start wearing actual ear plugs. Tempting though.

    I LOL'ed about ear plugs & your children haha! 

    but it does put me into my own world and i have to watch out

    Yes - this is why I worry about complete sound blocking. It's good when static, but not so good in a changing environment of any kind.

  • My children might start feeling completely unloved and ignored if I start wearing actual ear plugs. Tempting though. 

  • I had the exact same issue and the same response from the company, but the small was far too small. I've been recommended some called Loop I think but they look a bit less discreet. 

  • That's the make , I never tried them ,But have found some rubber plugs for heavy power tool use and they are best for me .Cannot hear with my hearing to well with them in  but can hear thro conduction i have realised but it does put me into my own world and i have to watch out .