My relationship crumbling before my eyes!

I haven’t felt comfortable at home for a while, but hoped that getting a diagnosis would help. It hasn’t. I’m not listened to, not taken seriously, everything I say gets contradicted. I think I have a gift for reading people and it’s hard to watch your partners mother manipulate and control her, and now ur child, without being able to say anything. Every time I speak up I’m just shut down and its put down to my mental health issues. 

  • i face a similar issue trying to communicate my differences only faced by contradictions and getting shut down. i tend to always give the benefit of the doubt "they don't understand, they can't relate" but its exhausting. i shouldn't be the one doing that but that's what we have to do in that situation is think these people only know there perspective and refuse to adjust the world a bit for a world that wasn't designed for us.

    if your partners mother is manipulating your child you need to speak up. that is YOUR child and you've seen the consequences of that to your partner and clearly you have the sense to see its bad and you don't want that for your child. speak up for your child and if they shut you down walk away with your child then explain to your child what happened and why its wrong.

  • The problem is that my partner is so brainwashed by her mother, that as soon as anything remotely negative is mentioned, then all hell breaks loose.

    I'd have more success kick a hand green around!

Reply Children
  • Rofl that hand grenade comment got me that is a good one. 

    You don't want that brainwashing to pass on to your kin. You have to as the only non brainwashed person point it out for the sake of your child. It's difficult and going to be frustrating but the child will value the lessons you taught in this moment.

    Unless the situation is you are living under their roof then it's their rules or you hit the road then approach it safely. But you can't be scared to live comfortably and watch the people you love be manipulated by someone who should know better.