Are you a parent?

I'm interested if other people are parents. I have two daughters, age 3 and 7. They are part of what prompted me to speak to my GP about autism as I found myself often being very blunt and cold towards them. My 7yr old told her dad that I love my dog more than her because I give it more attention. I do find stroking my dog soothing, whereas I really struggle with my children trying to grab me all the time. I also feel an aversion to their voices if they speak too loud or too much. It feels so horrible to say that as I do love my children. I can't stand being around young children generally because of the noises that they make, so it isnt just my own children. My 3yr old also told her childminder that I don't like her sitting on my knee, which is true but it sounds absolutely awful when she says it to other people so I just laughed it off. 

I dont want my children to think I don't love them. 


  • I also feel an aversion to their voices if they speak too loud or too much.

    "Made from silicone, Calmer sits barely visible in the user’s ear and cleverly reduces the ‘unpleasant’ audio frequencies known to cause most stress (think babies crying, children shrieking, traffic sirens and chairs scraping along hard floors), perfect for anyone who lives or works with children.

    The device offers a natural way to reduce today’s barrage of environmental noise stressors, and the negative impact they have on our mental and physical well-being. Calmer diminishes mid and high frequency distortions which trigger the human ‘fight or flight’ response. While experts say this response was a vital part of our evolution to alert us to the slightest sound or threat, it is an overactive mechanism in today’s modern world where we no longer need to be alert to the snap of a twig, and this added resonance is loading us with unnecessary stress.

    Living in the fight or flight mode for much of daily life results in increased cortisone levels, a reduced vagus nerve function, and high stress and anxiety levels.  We’re so used to the barrage of unpleasant audio bombarding our ears on a daily basis we don’t realise just how much these sounds put us on edge.  When first wearing Calmer you’d be forgiven for not noticing much change, but after wearing the device then removing it, you immediately see what a huge difference it makes.

    You can still hear every sound, but the unpleasant edge is taken off sharp noises. Calmer provides a mellowness; removing the anxiety inducing properties of our surroundings and resulting in a calmer environment."


  • I also feel an aversion to their voices if they speak too loud or too much.

    "Made from silicone, Calmer sits barely visible in the user’s ear and cleverly reduces the ‘unpleasant’ audio frequencies known to cause most stress (think babies crying, children shrieking, traffic sirens and chairs scraping along hard floors), perfect for anyone who lives or works with children.

    The device offers a natural way to reduce today’s barrage of environmental noise stressors, and the negative impact they have on our mental and physical well-being. Calmer diminishes mid and high frequency distortions which trigger the human ‘fight or flight’ response. While experts say this response was a vital part of our evolution to alert us to the slightest sound or threat, it is an overactive mechanism in today’s modern world where we no longer need to be alert to the snap of a twig, and this added resonance is loading us with unnecessary stress.

    Living in the fight or flight mode for much of daily life results in increased cortisone levels, a reduced vagus nerve function, and high stress and anxiety levels.  We’re so used to the barrage of unpleasant audio bombarding our ears on a daily basis we don’t realise just how much these sounds put us on edge.  When first wearing Calmer you’d be forgiven for not noticing much change, but after wearing the device then removing it, you immediately see what a huge difference it makes.

    You can still hear every sound, but the unpleasant edge is taken off sharp noises. Calmer provides a mellowness; removing the anxiety inducing properties of our surroundings and resulting in a calmer environment."
