Initial assessment/screening

What was your experience like? I've got mine (unexpectedly) in 2 weeks time. Is it usually a questionnaire type process or more unstructured? Because it is over zoom-like video link rather than fave to face in person I'm unsure what to expect.

  • In my area you self-refer to the autism team so even though I spoke to my GP, she just told me about self-referral and left me to it. That was a structured form but set into types of behaviour like need for routines, aversions etc. I should look back over that actually but I may cringe at what I wrote at the time. I'm often very honest and then regret it afterwards! 

  • That is useful because I've heard a lot of people mention being asked for a family member's input but that isn't something that has been mentioned yet. It makes sense to be able to do it that way. Did you find anything surprising about your chosen person's answers to their questionnaire (presuming you got to see it) ? 

  • I'm the kind of person that worries I've hijacked conversations, can you tell?! 

  • I had a screening done by my GP, it was in the form of a questionnaire and we did it over the phone. Some of the questions related to present day and other were for childhood. This was just a screening to ascertain whether a referral was required.

  • My initial assesment with the adult autism was a questionnaire done over the phone where they ask you to recount experiences from childhood, as well as answer some 'strongly agree - strongly disagree' structured questions, after my appointment and some chase up they sent me an informant questionnaire to be given to someone who knows me very well such as a parent or partner. And I was then told they'd contact me for a second diagnostic appointment! I hope this helps in some way

  • Haha thank you for offering to let me hijack your thread

  • Thank you, please do. That would be very helpful. Hope it goes well. Feel free to hijack my thread to talk about how you feel about it before/after.

  • I'll let you know what mine's like, after I have it on Thursday!