Initial assessment/screening

What was your experience like? I've got mine (unexpectedly) in 2 weeks time. Is it usually a questionnaire type process or more unstructured? Because it is over zoom-like video link rather than fave to face in person I'm unsure what to expect.

  • I had a screening done by my GP, it was in the form of a questionnaire and we did it over the phone. Some of the questions related to present day and other were for childhood. This was just a screening to ascertain whether a referral was required.

  • In my area you self-refer to the autism team so even though I spoke to my GP, she just told me about self-referral and left me to it. That was a structured form but set into types of behaviour like need for routines, aversions etc. I should look back over that actually but I may cringe at what I wrote at the time. I'm often very honest and then regret it afterwards! 

  • In my area you self-refer to the autism team so even though I spoke to my GP, she just told me about self-referral and left me to it. That was a structured form but set into types of behaviour like need for routines, aversions etc. I should look back over that actually but I may cringe at what I wrote at the time. I'm often very honest and then regret it afterwards! 

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