Wild Camping?

I am currently going through an episode of agoraphobia which started before the COVID19 outbreak and the virus has only made it worse BUT I am starting to do some exposure therapy techniques and slowly introduce the idea of leaving my house. 

I always loved camping as a child and would frequently set up camp and do bush crafting out in my mums garden. It was deffo a hyperfixation for me. I have recently rekindled that hyperfixation and I have a real want and need to get back into it.  

I would really love to go on a nice hike and do some wild camping as an end goal for my exposure therapy. 

But for the time being, I am going to start camping in the garden again, like I did as a child. Taking baby steps at first, going out there for an hour and if I feel like staying out there then I can, but if I want to come in, then that's fine too. But I have to make it the whole hour at least. Then gradually over time, increase the cut off time until overnights is possible, then bump it up to spending the weekend in my little campsite. 

My question is, does anyone else have a hyperfixation with camping? Wild camping experience? Do you think it would be cool if a wild camp / hike trip was organized so a small group of auties could get together and bond over the love of camping and being autistic haha. Because that would be something I would be interested in once I am out of this episode haha. 

  • I go wild camping in abergele in north wales a lot

    ive been diagnosed with autism and ptsd at the age of 36 and always been obsessed with camping and find it helps to relax my mind being in nature

  • I go wild camping in abergele in north wales a lot

    ive been diagnosed with autism and ptsd at the age of 36 and always been obsessed with camping and find it helps to relax my mind being in nature

    im looking to meet new friends who also share an interest in camping and the outdoors

    im on the high functioning side of autism 

  • yeah Danny's vids can be quite entertaining especially when a spider jumps out at him 

    Morrowind is widely regarded as the best game in the franchise but i never got the chance to play it as at the time i was normally playing the might and magic games on pc and when i am looking for a bit of nostalgia i still occasionally play them 

  • I watch his playthroooughs hahaha! Morrowind is my absolute fave Elder Scrolls game. 

    I havent heard of it, but it looks like something I would be interested in haha ^_^  

  • I actually forgot that one naughty me if you want to know more about it on youtube there is a channel called ESO and he has just done a playthrough of Baldurs gate 3 he normally does elder scrolls and a couple of other RPG's which is why I'm going through skyrim again 

    have you heard of a game called talisman ?

  • Malkavian and nosferatu where always my faves. I loved all the text options for Malkavians! The argument you could have with the Stop sign lol cracked me up.

    We have the same taste! Both the games I am looking forward to most! And the new Baldurs Gate 3. The trailer release was so so sooo good! 

  • I have not played that for a while I preferred to be a gangrel though or a malkavian

    I am looking forward to bloodlines2 coming put on console  next year hopefully and cyberpunk this year i will be a happy gamer

  • She sat with me while I played through Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines on PC as a Nosferatu and I let her make all the decisions haha! So she already has that experience.  

  • I have played all of them except Deadlands the fact that your daughter has started to play DnD shows she has some taste and that you are a great mum but if you can get you kid to try VtM playing a nosferatu with a low obfuscate just to see how they avoid breaking the masqerade it can be quite entertaining to hear another player describe their shenanigans to stay out off sight 

    but you most probably know like i do that a panicked player will do the silliest stupidest nonsensical things 

  • Yaaay another table topper! I've been playing since I was a kid, still play, just havent found another group to play with yet. I play dnd, VtM, shadowrun, L5R and Deadlands and then my daughter has just gotten into dnd haha ^_^ 

  • the same offer i gave to aidie i give to you but i do understand the need to mesh with

    in my local area we used 2 have two larp groups one i got on well with and one i could not stand to be with 

    RPGs though that is something that i have done for over 30 years be it Dnd, CoC, MERP, TnT, Sla Industries and many others  i even used to do the fighting fantasy books which are great for a solo mini adventure 

  • I always wanted to do LARP as I am obsessed with table top RPGs and have been playing them since I was a kid haha but I never had the confidence to go all the way with it. Plus I never found a group that I could mesh well with.  

  • that sounds lovely. I love sitting quietly in nature and just watching life go by. Havent done it in such a long time 

  • u should take up river angling   

  • I'd do wild camping if there was an accessible version of wild camping. 

    One thing I like to do though is getting outside without the wheelchair and carry a light, fold up camping stool. And I go for short walks in woods and find a place just to sit and then see if anything happens, wildlife wise. I like those moments and I think I'd probably like it if I was camping out in some of those spots for the night or whatever. 

  • thats why you have to check in with the land owners. Its usually advertised online if people with farm land and lots of acres if they are wild camping friendly. So you dont have to worry about police or of riff raff coming across your tent and messing around. 

  • I like camping. I have only ever been camping on campsites or in the garden back when I was kid. 

    The first tent I slept in was my granddads and it was just a little thing and as it had aged a lot it wasn't waterproof and I woke up soaked. Still liked it though. 

    When I went camping with family before health deteriorated I was always the last one to wake up, showing how comfortable I felt sleeping in the tent.

    Wouldn't know where to start with wild camping though. I like the idea of not going to a campsite but a lot of places bring the police out if they see someone camping out anywhere they want. 

  • hooray reinforcements have arrived !

  • u're in england right ?