Recent NAS Website Changes

Has anyone else found the recent website changes stressful?  The last thing I need as an autistic person needing things to stay the same and without confusion.  I've had to create a new account, even though I know I've posted previously; lots of times.  It said I didn't have an account.  it then wouldn't work properly on my android device.  I hate the look and layout of the site; very confusing. Sorry NAS, it just wanted leaving alone.

  • Hi

    As says, we needed to replace the platform for our sign-in system and main website, because the technology was ageing and would eventually have become insecure. We took the opportunity to implement a new sign-in system that would give you the option of "social sign-in" using Google, Twitter and so on. That system does use email/password for sign-in, although it was always an option on the previous one.

    To recover your account, if you had one before the change, just choose Sign up now and use the same email address as you were using before (see the instructions on the sign-in page).

    All suppliers stop supporting older systems eventually; because Internet systems need to interact with each other, it becomes either uneconomic, or sometimes impossible, to update older systems to work with newer, and also to cope with the latest security threats. That of course is why Windows 7 on PCs recently went out of support, older Apple iOS versions are no longer supported, and so on. That's true of our suppliers as well. So, as new features are introduced that may benefit our users, and to avoid systems becoming out of date as above, we need to update and change our systems.

    Hope this helps.

  • I used to log in using my username and password, now it has to be using my email and password.  Why did they change this?

  • This and the last website are utterlay awful... Like something stuck in last century and thats no exaggeration. 

  • its basic security to help stop malicious people attacking  this website. we created the regulations and asked for them, Now we are getting them which is great.

  • I too got very upset with the new website and not being able to login. I did a post about it a while ago, but it seems computers and regulations are the boss and we are pawns in the legal IT process. 
    nice pictures , but awful login requirements and my previous item on exactly this subject doesn’t appear in “the related” section on the right. Could it be that the website people want to avoid criticism?

  • this site had to change and be rebuild because the technology worlds keeps moving and improving so this site had to change technology.

    you need to be very specific about what is upsetting you  ---- what features do u hate ?

    add screenshots  so the community manager knows what you are talking about if

    if you get consensus here then we can ask for a change.

    There are many parts i find hard to use and as a web tester I agree with you  

    but please "screen shot" an issue and put text below it describing what you hate. Images must be .GIF ( which is an issue in itself  ! )