Reducing suicide deaths in autistics who the police prosecute

Autistic people may be very intelligent and have an unusual focus of interest, which may involve computers, but this may not be understood by the police who may look to prosecute them for doing things which they never thought were criminal. It’s all to do with theory of mind (ToM), as we think differently, have different motives and are easy prey for the police, who can make our innocent actions sound criminal, even though we are unaware we have done anything wrong. 
We have a 10 times rate of suicide compared to neurotypicals and if convicted for innocent intentions , this will probably increase the suicide rate much more. 
We hate injustice for anyone and will fight hard to avoid it

So my theory is that inappropriate prosecution of autistic people often has a fatal outcome. Many of the Autistic spectrum people in prison  are not only there inappropriately but have an extremely high suicide rate and the police should be aware of the harm they may be doing.

This has never been researched. I feel authorities may not want the results.

I’m looking for help to start this research, but getting nowhere. 

any comments? Do you hate injustice more than most others?

  • Nice to hear some thinking in tune with mine. Some of my previous posts have been attacked by a couple of people.

    The law is run by neurotypicals for their convenience and financial benefit and the police are experts at distorting the facts and truth for their convenience and gain. 

    I have been nearly killed by this and lost £2m with my life ruined.

    I would love to get some media help in publicising this , but it seems like media are also on the police side

    Never trust the police . Never try to explain your actions to the as they will always misinterpret what you say

  • Dave, your story intrigues me, I'd take a P.M. with a link to it, if you care to share. If you'll let me cast a critical eye over it and ask you any awkward questions (via P.M) I have extensive trouble making and resolving experience, I might be happy to share..

    The police are not, despite their sometimes robotic aspect, in actuality universally Evil. The real people who get caught up in that game, still have some humanity lurking in there, and I tend to tease it out into the open when I get the chance, so I'm pretty sure of my facts.

    They just are a bit crap, and they don't actually serve the public, although most that I have met do seem to firmly believe that they are "serving the public interest", which must engender permanent cognitive dissonance, if they don't repeat the mantras and drills correctly and often. Well, "interest" is a banking term, anyway, and I'm just not going down that rabbit hole... 

    Fortunately ours are not armed, so we are still allowed to put up some argument before letting them steamroller into your life. Having a browse at the free 59 page police guidance pamphlet in the for sale section of this site, is most illuminating. They can chase a Brazilian electrician onto a crowded train and shoot you multiple times in the head whilst you cry for mercy, but they break the guidelines about subjecting us to the stress of noise if they do... At least there seem to be some checks and balances.


  • Dave, your story intrigues me, I'd take a P.M. with a link to it, if you care to share. If you'll let me cast a critical eye over it and ask you any awkward questions (via P.M) I have extensive trouble making and resolving experience, I might be happy to share..

    The police are not, despite their sometimes robotic aspect, in actuality universally Evil. The real people who get caught up in that game, still have some humanity lurking in there, and I tend to tease it out into the open when I get the chance, so I'm pretty sure of my facts.

    They just are a bit crap, and they don't actually serve the public, although most that I have met do seem to firmly believe that they are "serving the public interest", which must engender permanent cognitive dissonance, if they don't repeat the mantras and drills correctly and often. Well, "interest" is a banking term, anyway, and I'm just not going down that rabbit hole... 

    Fortunately ours are not armed, so we are still allowed to put up some argument before letting them steamroller into your life. Having a browse at the free 59 page police guidance pamphlet in the for sale section of this site, is most illuminating. They can chase a Brazilian electrician onto a crowded train and shoot you multiple times in the head whilst you cry for mercy, but they break the guidelines about subjecting us to the stress of noise if they do... At least there seem to be some checks and balances.


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