New here! 30 year old Female seeking assessment

Hey everyone! I always find it really tough to put into words how I am feeling but wanted to try using this forum and thought it might help me to share...

Ever since I was a teenager I have felt confused, detached, different, numb and a feeling that I am always on the outside looking in all the time. I have felt like everyday is a battle with something, nothing comes easy, socialising and relationships are especially hard but I feel it effects all aspects of my life and I have found that things I see others doing easily, I struggle with. I don’t understand why I struggle so much and why previous strategies that I’ve learnt through counselling etc and medication just do not make any difference.
School and University were always very difficult. I was always a very good student in school and was pretty quiet.. probably a teachers pet!  I stayed in Uni accommodation for 6 months, which was tough and I felt I had nothing in common with anyone I was staying with. In the end I rang my sister in the middle of the night after getting extremely upset to pick me up and take me home as I couldn’t handle the situation, environment, people or surroundings.
It has effected my career in a sense that I can’t seem to stay in a job long, I can’t even really explain why, I just can’t seem to maintain them. I have also had to have lots of periods being signed off of work as I am unable to cope at the time with what is going on and feel overwhelmed by everything. I have always worked in jobs supporting children and young people with social/ emotional needs and SEN ( particularly Autism )
I have always had low self esteem, I have always been told and know that I seek constant reassurance with everything, this is in all my school reports from a very young age. I can’t make decisions because I don’t know what to do or how I feel. I ask my sister a lot what she would do and I tend to overlook serious red flags with people, just taking them at face value and not being able to read between the lines or understand their intentions.
I don’t feel I have an identity and I am confused about my place in the world, I feel sometimes like I don’t understand the world too. I see lots of people having friends and doing things and I feel a sense of loneliness as I wonder why I don’t have what they have, although I could have it, I just don’t and I can’t make sense of why I don’t.
I’m now 30 and have been struggling with this since I can remember, all attempts from professionals to try and help, with so much effort from me to change my thought patterns and behaviour, as advised by them, just haven’t made a difference at all. Now I am left in a situation where I feel I need to know what is going on with me so I can try and move forward with my life, have an understanding of why I feel this way, why things are so difficult and different for me, (compared to my peers,) why I tend to frustrate people and people cant understand me, why I can’t maintain relationships or make new ones and why I feel so detached and can’t make meaningful connections.
I feel I want to be able to have a family and I have been presented in the past with a foundation and opportunities to do this with decent, lovely men, however something changes in me, I feel confused and then I run away from the situation, leaving the man and my opportunity but for no solid reason. This is something that I really struggle with and that confuses me so much in my life.
I just feel that I want to know what is going on with me now and its come to a head being in the lockdown and feeling relieved to not be in the hustle and bustle of life and able to just be in my own company, not having to constantly make effort with people, conform to the social norm, not having to think ahead so much and plan everything.

Im now in the process of going through Lorna wing centre to be assessed...  now my head is just full of thoughts and reflecting back on stuff. I can function and I do function but it doesn’t feel like living...  does that make sense? 

  • Hi, I really feel for you and can recognise a lot of what you say in myself. I am almost 35 and feel that things which people seemingly can get on with in their life or make decisions about I find incredibly difficult. Or that I get really frustrated by things which other people don't seem to bother about.  I totally totally get what you mean about making decisions and don't know what to do or how to feel.  I have realised that I can often make decisions based on other people's feelings or reactions because I don't know myself at the time. It's like I use other people's emotions to inform my own.  I seem to have some sort of delay.  At my counselling session when he was asking me about my feelings I said I didn't know.  I also don't know how to get out of situations or don't have the courage to (which is to do with self esteem. But if I could make decisions better that would probably give me the confidence).

    You are making the first step in moving forward in your life. I made the same decision last week. In order to understand what I want from life, in order to negotiate life better, I need to know what my strengths and limitations are so I'm going to my GP re seeking diagnosis.

    You just know when you are different to other people. The constant self analysis is tiring. 

  • Thank you so much for your reply! It seems we are so similar!  I completely relate to what you are saying. It’s so nice to hear from someone who understands. It’s just so hard to explain... Like you said it’s a constant second guessing of yourself and over analysing everything. 
    what are some of your other struggles just out of curiosity? I must admit I’m so nervous about the assessment as I’m worried that I’m not going to explain myself properly as I find it hard looking back and explaining reasons for my actions ect... probably because I truly didn’t know the way I felt at the time! 

    Well done for you too for seeking support! In the past I have always just been given tablets and told I have anxiety and depression but it just feels like more to me 

  • I feel the same even just about going to my doctors. .that I can't explain it properly. I'm sure the people at your assessment will be very experienced and know the right questions to ask. For me, if someone asked me a direct question I woukd be able to answer,  but when it's more "free style" I woukd find that difficult. 

    I know some of my other struggles are social. I have friends, I have a partner. But it's not always been easy. An example being. ...put me in front of 15 students for my job and I can be quite charming and interact well. I know the roles. Put me in a house with 10 of my in laws on boxing day and it's ever so difficult. (Who do I talk to what do I talk about. Was my reaction ok? I didnt get the gist of what they said. Im trying to think of something to say in return. Oh the conversation has moved on now im lost. Il just sit here like a lemon eating a sausage roll. The lights are too bright. Its too hot. I dont reslly give a *** about asking someone if theyve been on holiday this year and i think theyre not bothered either. ..)...) I also think sensory comes into it. When I have struggled with my partners friends on a meal say for instance,  it's all the background goings on which I think have also made it difficult in the past. I know it's not shyness. I have the confidence it's just sometimes I ferl I don't have the tools to do it correctly.

    I think frustration from finding expression of emotion is a bigger one than I have realised.  I think it could be misconstrued as spoilt child syndrome when in fact it's not that I'm not getting my own way, it's that things were not as I expected them to be or frustration that I have been misunderstood.

    Another one is if I get interrupted on a task. I find it difficult to pick up where I left off. The sheer frustration that I've been interrupted doesn't help either.

    I can't deal with change. Unless it's on my terms and under my control. Only when I moved house did this become apparent.

    There's many difficulties. I've plucked those out of thin air.  I suppose if you were to be more specific in the question I could answer it better :-) 

    I know as a teenager I had depression because I felt I was out of step with my peers even though I was part of a peer group. I've always been anxious. I would spend my mornings before school heaving. 

    I think some thjngs are not difficulties but idiosyncracies of just how I am. I really accept how I am more these days (coping strategies eg go outside for fresh air on boxing day instead of sitting there with too much input all night) but I need confirmation either way in order to deal with the anxiety of life which I have. I am coming off my tablets as they don't help me.

    What would you say your difficulties are? Also what woukd you say are your strengths?! Are you having any input from loved ones for your assessment?

  • I used to worry a lot about social situations but as I am getting older, understand myself more and am being more accepting of and kinder to myself. I don't worry about them as much. This doesn't mean that things are not still difficult but it doesn't play on my mind like it used to. I am who I am and can't change that. I met a friend today and it was quite difficult in parts and normally this wouldve been going round and round in my head but I think - she knows what I'm like and obviously wants to see me, even if conversation is a bit difficult! 

    It's that pushing through isn't it. Yes, pushing through not just busy supermarkets but life in general. For me, it's been pushing through and not actually realising how difficult things have been. 

    Eye contact is interesting. When I first read about it, I thought "no way, I have good eye contact". But then started noticing that actually I DO find it uncomfortable. Its like the other person knows something that I don't.  Or they know a secret about me. I struggle with tone of voice. It's hard to tell if people are winding me up or being genuine. I have a good active listening face though (skills which I've honed from doing a short counselling course).

    I seem to repeat a lot of things like stuff off the telly or bits of adverts etc. Its often things which are amusing to me because of accents or a play on words or the rhythm of words. Like, I like how the words feel in my mouth or the sing song of a phrase. Or songs in general.

    Do you follow other people in social situations? I've found in the past that I can take on the mannerisms, or ways of speaking of someone who i must think is very sociable. I've also noticed, since reading about ASC , something which is so inbuilt into me, it's automatic and unconscious is that I can, in a split second copy micro behaviours like laughter. I noticed once in the office someone said something and I wasnt sure how to react, but my chatty friend laughed then I did. It's hard to explain, but it just happens so quickly I don't even know I'm doing it. I'm more aware of it after its happened now though. Other times I can consciously follow what someone else does because I don't know myself. Most of my friends are really chatty and sociable so I get plenty of cues from them.

    You need to talk about your positives! It's not being arrogant or anything like that, but being sure of yourself. This will come probably as you come to understand yourself more.  Everyone, on the spectrum or not, has so much to offer the world. Although I know it's hard when you constsntly feel like you're up against it. 

    Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you ever want a chat.

  • It’s definitely hard trying to identify the difficulties isn’t it! I find it so hard to talk about as to me it’s just been my “normal” for as long as I can remember... though now I’ve come to a time in my life that I want real answers. 

    My main Difficulties are definitely social and anxiety... I feel like I have to think about every thing I do and say and have always been a huge observer. I used to say I people watched but I think it’s more of a protection thing now I think of it... I always overthink and think people are thinking the worse of me... I always worry about what people are thinking and whether I’ve said the right thing... I’ve always been incredibly insecure and not very confident. I’m really bad if there is lots of background noise and my eyes constantly drift around the room as I find it hard to focus. Sometimes I become very overwhelmed by places such as gyms, shopping centres and restaurants. I push through but I’m very aware and will avoid situations.  Eye contact for long periods of time can become Uncomfortable.  I have never trusted my own decisions and always seek reassurance.  I have a couple of good friends and have been single for 3 years.
    I also like to plan ahead a lot! Sometimes it feels like I put a constant mask on... it can be exhausting.  I think i stim a lot without realising.. I have a nervous cough at Times and have also been told that I laugh at lot in social situations ( sometimes laughing at things that aren’t very funny ) I also find it very hard to sit still and often move my legs about ect... 

    I’ve also been told that I repeat a lot of stuff... for example if we are doing something the day after or having something for Lunch or dinner... I’ll say “ what are we having for lunch”  and will repeat this several times 

    My strengths are that I’m very empathetic and able to support others, including in my job. I am also an auntie to two gorgeous nephews and love this. I must admit I find it very difficult talking about myself and identifying positives. I know this is bad. I think this comes from never really understanding myself and not having a strong sense of identity. 

    My sister will be attending the assessment with me as she knows me better than anyone and i live with her also. My mum has helped to fill out a developmental questionnaire but she finds it very hard to remember things and only really says that i was quieter than my sister 

  • It’s definitely hard trying to identify the difficulties isn’t it! I find it so hard to talk about as to me it’s just been my “normal” for as long as I can remember... though now I’ve come to a time in my life that I want real answers. 

    My main Difficulties are definitely social and anxiety... I feel like I have to think about every thing I do and say and have always been a huge observer. I used to say I people watched but I think it’s more of a protection thing now I think of it... I always overthink and think people are thinking the worse of me... I always worry about what people are thinking and whether I’ve said the right thing... I’ve always been incredibly insecure and not very confident. I’m really bad if there is lots of background noise and my eyes constantly drift around the room as I find it hard to focus. Sometimes I become very overwhelmed by places such as gyms, shopping centres and restaurants. I push through but I’m very aware and will avoid situations.  Eye contact for long periods of time can become Uncomfortable.  I have never trusted my own decisions and always seek reassurance.  I have a couple of good friends and have been single for 3 years.
    I also like to plan ahead a lot! Sometimes it feels like I put a constant mask on... it can be exhausting.  I think i stim a lot without realising.. I have a nervous cough at Times and have also been told that I laugh at lot in social situations ( sometimes laughing at things that aren’t very funny ) I also find it very hard to sit still and often move my legs about ect... 

    I’ve also been told that I repeat a lot of stuff... for example if we are doing something the day after or having something for Lunch or dinner... I’ll say “ what are we having for lunch”  and will repeat this several times 

    My strengths are that I’m very empathetic and able to support others, including in my job. I am also an auntie to two gorgeous nephews and love this. I must admit I find it very difficult talking about myself and identifying positives. I know this is bad. I think this comes from never really understanding myself and not having a strong sense of identity. 

    My sister will be attending the assessment with me as she knows me better than anyone and i live with her also. My mum has helped to fill out a developmental questionnaire but she finds it very hard to remember things and only really says that i was quieter than my sister 

  • I used to worry a lot about social situations but as I am getting older, understand myself more and am being more accepting of and kinder to myself. I don't worry about them as much. This doesn't mean that things are not still difficult but it doesn't play on my mind like it used to. I am who I am and can't change that. I met a friend today and it was quite difficult in parts and normally this wouldve been going round and round in my head but I think - she knows what I'm like and obviously wants to see me, even if conversation is a bit difficult! 

    It's that pushing through isn't it. Yes, pushing through not just busy supermarkets but life in general. For me, it's been pushing through and not actually realising how difficult things have been. 

    Eye contact is interesting. When I first read about it, I thought "no way, I have good eye contact". But then started noticing that actually I DO find it uncomfortable. Its like the other person knows something that I don't.  Or they know a secret about me. I struggle with tone of voice. It's hard to tell if people are winding me up or being genuine. I have a good active listening face though (skills which I've honed from doing a short counselling course).

    I seem to repeat a lot of things like stuff off the telly or bits of adverts etc. Its often things which are amusing to me because of accents or a play on words or the rhythm of words. Like, I like how the words feel in my mouth or the sing song of a phrase. Or songs in general.

    Do you follow other people in social situations? I've found in the past that I can take on the mannerisms, or ways of speaking of someone who i must think is very sociable. I've also noticed, since reading about ASC , something which is so inbuilt into me, it's automatic and unconscious is that I can, in a split second copy micro behaviours like laughter. I noticed once in the office someone said something and I wasnt sure how to react, but my chatty friend laughed then I did. It's hard to explain, but it just happens so quickly I don't even know I'm doing it. I'm more aware of it after its happened now though. Other times I can consciously follow what someone else does because I don't know myself. Most of my friends are really chatty and sociable so I get plenty of cues from them.

    You need to talk about your positives! It's not being arrogant or anything like that, but being sure of yourself. This will come probably as you come to understand yourself more.  Everyone, on the spectrum or not, has so much to offer the world. Although I know it's hard when you constsntly feel like you're up against it. 

    Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you ever want a chat.