
I don't belong.  They are human and i am looking in at them.  There's a warm fire there and everyone is included. I am not. Everyone is there.  ASD and NT.  They all have their role.  There is no door and i can't walk in.

  • Hello Malojian, 

    Here you belong! You're nice to chat with. 

    Thanks for chatting with us!

  • Thanks MDC.  Have you got round to a full book by Christopher Hitchens yet?  Or are you a busy lady?  It was you who likes him i'm fairly sure of that.

  • I like Christopher Hitchens. But I didn't read a single book for 5 years now. The last books I read were the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. A writer I also liked a lot is Jared Diamond, (guns, germs and steel & collapse). Jared Diamond gives very good explanation on why history developed as it did, bit boring but I enjoyed it.

    I'm actually a male. I just typed 'I'm not a lady', but that seemed a bit weird.

  • I enjoy The Body from Different Seasons.  You lose a lot growing old.   I will always miss the ages 0-12 where i was actually happy and accepted by my peers. I know that's not everyone on the spectrums experience of those years but it is mine.  13 though then i went badly downhill.  Been slaloming down that slope ever since. haha

  • I enjoy The Body from Different Seasons.  You lose a lot growing old.   I will always miss the ages 0-12 where i was actually happy and accepted by my peers. I know that's not everyone on the spectrums experience of those years but it is mine.  13 though then i went badly downhill.  Been slaloming down that slope ever since. haha

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