Autistic boyfriend can’t keep a job - any advise would help

Hi All,

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years he has Autism and I’m a NT . We have always had ups and downs and he has always been in and out of work he has just started a new job (1 week in) and already wants to quit. I struggle with reacting in a sympathetic way. I worry about the money side of things - I don’t make enough to cover all our outgoings. So this is my first reaction. He doesn’t think I’m being supportive enough but I’m too worried about money.

Im at a loss of how to feel. I want him to be happy and have a job he loves but I also need him to make enough money to support himself. we talk about having a family one day and I just don’t see how that is possibly. 

I’m not really sure what I’m asking or who will see this. Any advise would be helpful. 

thanks x

  • i always had the urge to quit... i worked through that by forcing myself through martial arts, and good things came from forcing myself to not quit such as getting fitter being a badass and getting a super toned body and being able to handle life better... i still have urge to quit, but i can fight through it more especially as martial arts was essentially really hard work. my job i have now i wanted to quit many times, especially through the 16 hour shifts through december and the abuse our bosses gave us, but i stuck at it and didnt quit, and really good things came from it, id have regretted quitting... quitting only gives you regret... your boyfriend needs to learn that the urge to quit is temporary, if he toughs it out through that urge to quit it turns better and things get good. everytime i feel the need to quit i always remember it, and always know that when you feel a need to quit that good things always follow if you dont quit... every time i feel that need to quit, if i dont quit, it really pays off, it becomes the best decision of my life to ignore that quit feeling and you see itt, and the more times you do that, the more times you beat that urge to quit, the more times you get a good thing after and the more time you realise that urge to quit is actually a signal that your going in the right direction and good things are ahead.

  • I think like this all the time when you job stops challenging you just get board and move some where ellse to start over again jobs a dead end when your on minimum wage anyway

  • maybe so... but if you can get security... a dead end minimum wage job that has security is a good thing..

    i know many who quit calling it dead end minimum wage, i warned them not to quit and that they will find it hard to get a job, they thought not as they already had a offer for higher pay job... they lost that job in the first few months and have gone through another 5 jobs since and cant hold a job down now... i prefer security... with security of holding a job down you can build a life and plan.

  • Yeah man that's why I'm on bank contract now works out better for me as I can do half days so 6 and half hour shifts clock in clock out and I'm done few days on in a week then might be off a whole week then back in Monday till Friday or back in the week after with only two or three shifts a week. It works out pretty nicely and I know longer feel like I'm just working myself to death I need the down time and space away from people to recharge like in my days off inwont make the effort to go out and see people simply cause to much socilising is physically draining and mentally draining rest of the time round I'll be on my playstation or painting I guess but then again I do find myself getting board fast when I'm not in work due to my ADHD but to much time in work and I burn out fast due my Autism it's a hell of a physical and I really hate it at times 

  • Yeah man that's why I'm on bank contract now works out better for me as I can do half days so 6 and half hour shifts clock in clock out and I'm done few days on in a week then might be off a whole week then back in Monday till Friday or back in the week after with only two or three shifts a week. It works out pretty nicely and I know longer feel like I'm just working myself to death I need the down time and space away from people to recharge like in my days off inwont make the effort to go out and see people simply cause to much socilising is physically draining and mentally draining rest of the time round I'll be on my playstation or painting I guess but then again I do find myself getting board fast when I'm not in work due to my ADHD but to much time in work and I burn out fast due my Autism it's a hell of a physical and I really hate it at times 

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