Difference or Personality?


  • We're all different ..
    We all have strengths and less strong bits ..
    .. and we're all human and worthwhile and deserving of love and peace and shelter ..

    Happily there's a mix of personalities/differences/abilities/whatever within our wider community .. everyone is needed .. everyone has a role to play ..

    When I found that I have the gift of Aspergers I was frankly terrified .. now, I'm ok with it .. yes, I'm wired differently .. yes, a lot of the time in the NT world I just don't fit in .. but I've decided to just keep on going ..

    I believe there's a contribution I can make .. that there's fun for me to have .. that there are things for me to keep learning about ..

    .. and that's enough ..

    I'm happy to chat with anyone about my experiences and listen to yours .. including on the phone if that might be useful ..

    .. and tomorrow is another day :-)

Reply Children
  • .. what a lovely thing to say .. thank you x

  • I like the way you write, positive, clear and honest.

  • .. it is interesting that I have come to an acceptance of who I am .. for soooooo long the opposite was true...

    .. and coming on this forum continues to be good for me because I'm able to describe my real feelings - and compare notes with others .. 

    .. your question about whether I have a blog is a huge compliment .. wow .. can you imagine what that does to my self-esteem just being asked the question :-)  .. yes, I've thought about it - but I've never 'come out' as an Aspie and I wonder if I could remain anonymous ..  I've travelled a lot and that set of solo journeys has been pivotal in giving me the space to figure out my place in the world (and I'm happy to admit that I'm still working on it :-) ..

    .. in all of my 50 something years I've faced social & work & relationship challenges which I now realise as very typical of AS and ASD folk.  Maybe recalling my angst at the time and revisiting the situations with what I know now would be cathartic for me and possibly of interest / use to some others?

    .. I recently read "Keep Clear: My Adventures with Aspergers" by Tom Cutler. The format of that book was sort of auto-biographical. I found reading it very helpful to me because I could see many similarities with his life journey and my own.

    .. I'm not sure that anything I wrote would be any more useful to anyone than that book - and yet different stories and observations would appeal to different people perhaps.

    .. hope you stick around and chat some more .. I reckon each of us telling our stories is good for both writer and reader x