Anyone nervous about lockdown restrictions ending?

So Boris is gonna make a speech on Sunday about lifting some restrictions. Anyone nervous about what this will mean for expectations to return to daily struggle of 'fitting in' and going out.

I hope the 'bubble thing' happens but is more restrictive than 10 or clearly not more than 2 households (regardless of how many live in each household - my closest family members also live alone so technically that's only 3 of us)  so I can see close family without the expectations of having to meet up socially again with other 'acquaintances'?  (who want to see me more than I want to see them)

  • I'm not sure what 'one planet rules' is in wales?

  • I've not been on this forum for AGES, but came on to see if people were feeling like me about this.  Seems a lot of you are!  Lockdown didn't really change my life in a bad way.  I wasn't working, and I don't really have friends and family locally.  For me it meant less pressure, less noise and traffic (I'm in London), less pollution!  I can't believe how clear the air has been.  I even sort of enjoyed the queues at the supermarkets!  One of the biggest triggers for meltdown for me is being stuck in a queue with someone who thinks the closer they stand to me the better.  A few weeks ago I actually got told I could jump the queue (I have grey hair now, so they thought I was old enough!), but I stayed where I was because it was so much nicer than normal queues.

    As it is things have been gradually getting worse. My local park was too packed on Friday for me to feel safe going in.  And now people have been given official sanction to stay there all day if they want...  Today I'm sure I can already hear more traffic.

    I really want to get out of London to have a little place in the country.  I'd like to do something under the 'One Planet' rules in Wales.  Not sure how I'll manage it.  But this has made me more aware how wrong living in London is for me.

    I wish there were generally less people.  I don't wish harm on anyone alive now, but wish they'd have less kids! I have a feeling population will see another spike in 9 months though.  I have a feeling quite a few bored sociable types will be 'making babies' right now!

  • I think Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have kept the same rules as last time and extended them.  The Welsh minister said if people from english side of border came over to visit welsh tourist places they would be turned round by welsh police and arrested if they refused or something, so assuming Scotland would be the same.

    Ireland can control/prevent entry via cancelling ferries and planes if they wanted to stop people from UK being able to get over there if they felt our Govt were risking people's lives too much.

  • You know what's going to happen on wed    every Covidiot out there is going to be going on a day trip cos 'Boris Johnson said they could' so the police won't be able to stop them!  I think Govt are trying to get 'Herd Immunity' cos they know there's gonna be enough idiots out there from what they've seen of people already breaking rules who will all rush out the minute the govt says ..Don't worry if you can't go back to work cos your workplace isn't 'Covid Ready' can go on day trips instead!  (Hint of Sarcasm there!)

  • Seaside is going to be absolutely packed this weekend. There’s no way 2 meters rule can be enforced.

    I wonder if people near the Welsh or Scottish border are allowed to spend a day out with their friends in Wales/Scotland? 

    I seriously don’t like it.

  • I know, it feels strange when you see what's happening in Germany, very confusing? 

  • well the new rules don't make much sense. We should stay at home as much as possible but go back to work if we can and from wed are allowed to drive to places, sit in parks have picnics and day trips????  Allowed to visit a person from one other household.  Did I miss the bit where they mentioned what about vulnerable and shielded persons?

    Glad I don't have to go to work or go out for food I would find this all really confusing and unsettling!  I was out the door for 5.30am with the dog and had a nice walk round the village, had the field to ourselves.   ..oh and another thing from wed we're apparently allowed to exercise more than once a day and for as long as we want, though all the 'experts' ares saying if we lift lockdown over 100,000 will get it and Germany's cases are going up again after they relaxed lockdown rules!???? 

  • see if Boris mentions it in his speech..I'll have another look later to see if I can find it.

  • Wow really, I would really love that. My work are aware of my diagnosis but have never been willing to allow that but now it’s been proven we can function well at home. If a law is written to allow that it would really help lots of us I am sure. That would be great let’s wait and see Thumbsup 

  • I saw something in a (online) paper the other day about making it a law that people could choose to work from home or something, which may help some of you who have a job that could be done from home.  I can't find the article again though!  but it definitely mentioned making it a law given the 'social distancing' may need to continue for some time yet and they still need to re-start the economy.

  • Hi I am missing my family but tbh I love the peace and the fact that it is so quiet outside but getting slightly busier I suppose. I have loved walks in the countryside with no people about. Bliss. I am working from home and loving that solitude. Did struggle with video conferencing to start with, even harder to know when to speak! But getting used to it now.

  • The only issue I will have afterwars is with the job centre and my social worker appointments as I always feel they are putting pressure on me and they are incompetent and changing things around all the time like cancelling or being late for appointments which gives me more anxiety

  • (Um...Hi, just read this reply... the way it is written though, it is a bit mixed... sorry if I upset you, if I did, I did not mean it, honest... and, um, thanks for the compliment if that is what it was and as always Your pictures are excellent quality...

    The thing is, I do miss being able to joke around upon this Forum. You may recall Elephant and Martian Tom and Lonewarrior and Trainspotter and Cloudy Mountains... sort of here and yet not.)

    I shall call You an Ol' Rebel instead, maybe... but I always know that You are always THE Mr. Mathematical Photographer. I am better at writing things when I think no-one is watching.)

    Glad that You are still keeping on. Best Wishes from Me.

  • Bear in mind that being allowed to engage in social activities doesn't make it mandatory. If you want to continue enjoying the tranquility of your own company, go for it.

  • You are calling me a rascal,  now, I feel a bit hurt.

    You started on this website claiming to be unsure how to write and communicate on this genre. Yet you have turned out to be an articulate and accomplished writer.

  • At Mr. Robert123... You ol' rascal, You, replying at Me with these pictures - are You inviting Me to say (moan) stuff directly at You... Slight smile

    "Stay at home" was originally said basically because the GVT (Government) cannot be bothered to think about just how different everyone is. Stay at home, do nothing, wait it out... blanket-imagination is everyone doing just that, nibbling a biscuit every now-and-then, just to keep going. But then it was revealed that We had to do "private" things everyday, hence the stockpiling of Loo Roll.

    Then it was revealed that maybe some people did things that could not be done over the Internet... so the GVT put cash and Helplines in place to compensate them, which was completely not enough, and now they are worried about their "Economy".

    Then, all of a sudden, it was realised that People were important to the economy, and needed "essential services" - the GVT was not such an essential service after all (Shock, Horror!!). So PPE and Buses and Oxygen could not shut down, because the Internet is not a real thing compared to these real things which real people need. So social distancing is enforced, but they still really want people to stay at home really... so that sort of brings my saying (moaning) stuff full-circle, there.

    I can write a lot more of this kind of waffle if anyone wants to read it... I was initially scared and worried that "lockdown" meant exactly like a War Situation, yet thus far I *can* at least step outside the boundaries of where I live without a Van full of Police arriving to throw Me in jail for a Month... so far.

    Stay at home! Save Lives! The Internet is All You Need Now! (Unless You are living in a Mansion.)

  • They have the open road all to themselves! Though even when they don't they're making it unsafe for everyone else. 

  • I have really enjoyed lock down, the sky is more beautiful and I am able to concentrate on the things I enjoy.

    I had a tough time getting to grips with the new way of working and had to do things I was very uncomfortable to do. 

    I don't want to go back to noisy streets, busy roads, grumpy people and I'm not sure I want to go back to the office. I keep thinking if I can work from home somehow. 

    My son has had three major melt downs this week. He's had enough of me and is missing those close to him. He's cross with me because even though we have all this time off I still don't play with him enough but I've got to cook and clean inbetween. I think I'm a bit slow at doing things. Also I've been cross because the living room is full of trains and Lego and there's nowhere to sit and chill out.

    I've not achieved as much as everyone else. I still have endless repairs and decorating to do. Oh and old cameras and tablets to sort out. 

    I'm finding my interests again and am cross with myself for wasting so much time being worried about what people think I had lost myself.