I pray to God every day

Do you?

  • My Aunt was like a grandmother to me. She passed in 2017 which really affected me. But before she was gone, she told me mother that her faith (Cross️) really brought her comfort in the last year's of her life.

    If I am anything, then I am Buddhist. But, this information from my mother has really brought me comfort, to know that she was in a good place spiritually and mentally at the end, because of her faith.

    So from that pov, I can only be pleased to know she had faith in something bigger than what we know. So I hope the same for all of you too Pray

  • I also pray to God every day. I do this twice, in the morning when I wake up and in the evening before I fall asleep. In general, I understand that you need to pray much more and more often. But unfortunately, because of their work, Meyan does not manage to do this often. But I often attend church [Removed by Mod] I have prayed there for a very long time. Recently I thought that every prayer is a request from God. And this should not be. After all, God himself decides what fate to give us and what path to give us. So now, when I pray, I don't ask God for anything. I thank him for everything.

  • Agreed leaf. I'm not sure of the posts tonight but I'm uneasy

  • I pray to god continually though out  the day and l a lot at night when i cannot get to sleep not that god puts me to sleep he dosnt my faith keeps me sane in a very insane world

  • I think about God most days, but I don't always pray. I can't always find the words, and I get upset about things. But sometimes I just sit in silence and feel peaceful to be there, and that I'm not alone.

  • Also I’m not suggesting that you buy the book of course. 

    One doesn’t need to buy anything to ask god the creator if he loves you.

  • I am not however saying I agree with ‘everything’ the man is saying in this particular video (I only watched it through once without great analysis) but what I am trying to say to you is that whatever men say it is ultimately  god who can make known to you if he is there and if he loves you.

  • I pray to the same eternal god who loves me and who created me. Yes god answers me. I know who I’m praying to. I can pray with speaking or silently. It doesn’t matter if you speak or not. The eternal god of love can hear you. But as we are in a world which has sin in it the world is not perfect it would seem so that is why we can believe in god who has told us there is a heaven. 

    There is a YouTube video that may explain some things to you. It is called science confirms the Bible. You may please yourself to watch it. I am not an expert and I do not know about everything discussed in that video but only god is the creator so if one would pray to god sincerely one would know for oneself if there is a creator.

  • I'm not religious at all, but I don't mind admitting that in times of despair or desperation I have been known to appeal to higher forces in the universe.  

  • No I don't, 

    agape which God do you pray to and do you think that it's the same God that answers you?

    Because there are so many i do wonder, and to concider that the Christian faith is built up of so many others like Judaism, and early Sun faiths, you might not really know who your praying to like when Christians say ahmen from amen the Hebrew for truth or certainty? But is actually amen ra the Egyptian sun god given that the earliest Christian founder's were sun worshippers like Constantine. 

  • if it helps you or feels worshipful and meaningful I am with you.  I pray regularly, but not as much per calendar as i would like. I need the connection - to everyone. 

    Knowing God (as a trinity) underwrites our  existence helps me greatly though - helps most as a direction in which to be grateful.


  • Nope - not my thing; I respect that it is important to other people. For the most part I make a point of not discussing religion unless it's with in a historical or archaeological context.