Global Climate Strike


Is anyone else attending a strike event today? It's essentially my worst nightmare but I feel so strongly about the issue that I have to at least try.

  • I would have liked to go in theory, but did not.

    I already decided that my sign would have said "I HAVE AGORAPHOBIA BUT THIS IMPORTANT".

    Great to see people showing interest in the environment.

  • The logistics of attending are hard for me as I struggle with public transport (much easier if I'm not on my own) and hate crowds and uncertainty! The one near me sounded do-able. I've had attacks of agoraphobia though and just leaving the house was impossible.

    I'm reading the Extinction Rebellion book at the moment and it's very inspiring. Also terrifying. I hope that once everyone gets their heads out of the sand then working together to solve the climate crisis might increase the amount of love and peace between opposing political factions. Surely even very right wing pro-capitalist people can't keep ignoring it when their house is flooded for the 3rd time in a year?

  • I also struggle with public transport, and any kind of political event would have me worried about violence breaking out, or just feeling trapped. That book looks interesting. Unfortunately a lot of people in power are influenced by the wrong kind of people who also hold a lot of power. And the amounts of misinformation is just too much.

    I sometimes feel so incredibly disappointed in our species. We live in a world where we can see it all, animals going extinct, the reefs suffering, the forests burning, the people starving. And we have all this research, technology and problem-solving, yet we keep on failing, or we choose to focus on feeding our greed and shallow interests.

    There are the problematic capitalists, but also the religious ones who think that the planet was made for them, and basically that any casualties are part of a gods plan. Sometimes I look at ants and wonder when an alien species will arrive, and look at us like we look at ants. Oh, how sweet, they built this thing. Oh look at them walk in their little lines.

  • I also struggle with public transport, and any kind of political event would have me worried about violence breaking out, or just feeling trapped. That book looks interesting. Unfortunately a lot of people in power are influenced by the wrong kind of people who also hold a lot of power. And the amounts of misinformation is just too much.

    I sometimes feel so incredibly disappointed in our species. We live in a world where we can see it all, animals going extinct, the reefs suffering, the forests burning, the people starving. And we have all this research, technology and problem-solving, yet we keep on failing, or we choose to focus on feeding our greed and shallow interests.

    There are the problematic capitalists, but also the religious ones who think that the planet was made for them, and basically that any casualties are part of a gods plan. Sometimes I look at ants and wonder when an alien species will arrive, and look at us like we look at ants. Oh, how sweet, they built this thing. Oh look at them walk in their little lines.

  • Greta is stating the obvious and has researched well. The good thing is people are listening to her. She is courageous indeed. And tenacious. As she said, the cause is the issue, not her.

    I am a coward in comparison. I give up too easily. I would like to add my lone voice to the much younger crowd and say enough is really enough. Humans do have to stop ruining this beautiful planet and each other. I am so glad younger people feel empowered enough to try to change things. 

  • Yes, I think Greta is doing great. The amount of hate and propaganda directed at her is appalling.

    Also, people say you shouldn't listen to a child with "a mental disorder" or "illness", someone "retarded". They also say things like that the "puppet masters" make her dress younger than she is.

    So much bull. We are the ones who are supposed to be bad at reading people? I think it is very obvious that she is completely sincere. She cares immensely. She speaks from the heart, and with much knowledge behind her.

    She became this symbolic figure, and she is doing her best, and successfully uniting a lot of people under one cause. I worry about her though. I think she is the happiest working on what she cares about, but it is such a heavy burden.

  • It can be quite overwhelming, the feelings of frustration and disappointment in other people. Oddly, the thing that calms me is knowing that in 1000 years there will probably be some equilibrium. The humans that have survived (if any) will have learnt that they have to live in harmony with the planet and other species will have the space and resources to thrive. And in a billion years there will probably be a whole load of different species here and all our wars and destruction will be forgotten. As you say, we're no different to ants in the grand scheme of things.

    Unfortunately I can't always live in that place in my mind!

    Did you see Greta Thunberg's UN speech. It summed up how I feel. 

    At the moment the power held by the rich makes it very hard for grass roots movements to tip the balance. But it's getting bigger. I have some hope.