Global Climate Strike


Is anyone else attending a strike event today? It's essentially my worst nightmare but I feel so strongly about the issue that I have to at least try.

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  • I already decided that my sign would have said "I HAVE AGORAPHOBIA BUT THIS IMPORTANT".

    Great minds think alike*. That girl -

    Tweet from Greta Thunberg responding to 15-year-old striker Victor with sign 'So bad even the introverts are here.' She replies 'Tell me about it...'


    (* actually great minds think differently. Otherwise we'd keep inventing the same thing. I've seen a few of those placards but I've never seen mention of agoraphobia or 'So bad even the autistic people are here.')

    I was there in September, with time off from work, rather than striking. It was hardly the General Strike that some thought would force politicians to act. But it brought people together in a recognition of the worst threat currently facing life on Earth. Good to hear than  enjoyed it. In general, it seems the introverts and autistic people help the process along but aren't the high-profile organisers. Or maybe that's not true. Chris Packham did a fantastic People’s Walk for Wildlife. There are quite a few other autistic environmentalists, including Eric Holthaus above, Dara McAnulty (a 15-year old whose just had his book on Radio 4) and Edgar McGregor - and Daryl Hannah. Not a good idea to compare yourself though.

    But you feel so small when you realise the opposition is a fossil fuel industry that knows it's got to either destroy or be destroyed. I often try to get friends going along to these things, but if I can't, that's fine. Most of the people there are very nice and you don't have to say anything. I'll just go along maybe with a placard of my own design. That's how Greta Thunberg started, anyway.

  • The logistics of attending are hard for me as I struggle with public transport (much easier if I'm not on my own) and hate crowds and uncertainty! The one near me sounded do-able. I've had attacks of agoraphobia though and just leaving the house was impossible.

    I'm reading the Extinction Rebellion book at the moment and it's very inspiring. Also terrifying. I hope that once everyone gets their heads out of the sand then working together to solve the climate crisis might increase the amount of love and peace between opposing political factions. Surely even very right wing pro-capitalist people can't keep ignoring it when their house is flooded for the 3rd time in a year?