Am I wrong to feel offended by...

Am I wrong in feeling offended that a task I've been performing for over a year has now been assigned to someone else, with someone other than myself supervising them?

Said supervisor hasn't consulted me and has disregarded my documentation / process.

Feels like a massive FU to me.

My work colleague tells me not to take it personally.

I'm growing tired of people spouting things like...

"Don't take it personally", "You're not the only one this affects", "I don't understand your problem", etc.

Management at work do my head in.

  • I assume you feel like you've been downgraded?   What are you doing instead of this task?   Is there more scope to pick up something else that's more interesting?

  • Nah. I'm still doing everything else but it seems very odd that I haven't been consulted even though I took ownership of the process, designed reports and devised the testing process that everyone said they were happy with.

    Now said task has been assigned to someone with no experience and I haven't even been spoken to about said process / testing so it seems like all my work has just been binned.

  • I understand what you mean. I've worked on projects before that just get shelved. It feels personal because you've put so much effort into them. Could you approach the new person and offer help? Or maybe speak with your manager to ask the reason why it was transferred? (Both of those are difficult, I would struggle to do that). Could it be they are freeing you up to start a new task?

  • Try to understand the normal procedure for making decisions like this and whether there is any difference in your case.

    For the future, you want to be aware of how you are doing, whether there are any positive or negative comments on your work and how you could improve and manage the process. Otherwise you are in a vacuum where you have no feedback and no influence over your own work and your own situation. Maybe if the decision is already gone, you may discuss this for the future, because it will come back again and again.

  • Try to understand the normal procedure for making decisions like this and whether there is any difference in your case.

    For the future, you want to be aware of how you are doing, whether there are any positive or negative comments on your work and how you could improve and manage the process. Otherwise you are in a vacuum where you have no feedback and no influence over your own work and your own situation. Maybe if the decision is already gone, you may discuss this for the future, because it will come back again and again.

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