Struggle to sleep

I average about 3 hours sleep a night. The main blockage appears to be my inability to switch off.  Tried: listening to music, watching telly, doing nothing for a couple of hours before bed, tried doing loads of exercise, I have been prescribed amitriptrline by the GP 2 years ago, nothing it has helped me at all.

Does anybody else struggle this way and does anybody have any ideas to help.

  • 6:30am and still awake.

    I woke up at 5:30am from a series of  interconnected nightmares about walking home through back streets in the snow. While taking photographs.  The past and present were all mixed up with different places I used to live at.

    BTW there is no snow here.

  • I have been having very vivid dreams and nightmares recently. I am fascinated by the way in which reality and fantasy get mixed up. Nightmares can be so terrifying that it takes me a long while to calm down once awake. I also get woken up by silly things (leaving the heating on my mistake) and by the dog who sometimes needs to be let out, but sometimes just needs a cuddle. She is a very anxious creature, like me. I hope that over time, we can help each other to relax.

    My classic recurring nightmare is of being on a scaffolding like structure or high ladder which is collapsing, whilst having to negotiate some kind of impossible barrier. I am terrified of heights in real life and it does not need sophisticated interpretation to work out the meaning! Do you have a recurring dream or theme for nightmares? 

  • Today's nightmare was new.

    I was trying to get home, walking through these streets .

    In these conditions.

    And children were getting in the way of my photographs.

Reply Children
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