Do people look at you as though they know you're odd

I notice it when I go shopping with my stepdaughter or granddaughter. That look that says "WTF have we got here then?" I sense I give off certain vibes.

  • Yes this happens to me all the time! When I'm out and about I see people looking over at me, curious and odd looks on their faces, almost like they know. I get looks nearly every time from complete strangers which makes me feel really awkward afterwards.

  • Spending much of my time “living in my head” in my own thoughts I kind of detach myself from my outward facing persona. I look like a student (t shirt, jeans),,, not fashionable, little or no make up, dressed comfortably and practically for existence. Behaviour is functional and not meant to cause me to “stick out”. This means most of the time I am successfully ignored. However when I talk to someone I stick out. My conversation style doesn’t flow well, I’m quirky in that sense, I chat nervously, short bursts of small talk only. Invited into a longer conversation (which rarely happens), I’d give off the wrong “vibes” and arouse suspicion 

  • Yes! It happened again only yesterday. I was walking along with Izzy my dog eating an apple I had picked off our tree. An elderly neighbour approached so I smiled and said hello. She glanced at me briefly with a strange expression then looked down and away. I didn't hear a reply.

    I was wearing a hat at a jaunty angle so I wondered if it was that. Had I got toothpaste on my face or something? Did she disapprove of me eating an apple while walking along the street? When I was young I always dressed eccentrically so if anyone looked at me strangely I could assume it was because of my clothing. I may start doing that again!