Autism and dogs

Hi, I live on my own and have, with careful planning, decided to get a dog. She’s 1 1/2 years old. I’ve had her a week now and she is everything I could have wanted. I go out and talk to people in which I never did before. The problem being that I’m struggling to deal with the life style change and change to routine. I know it was part in parcel of having her but it still didn’t prepare me for the emotions it has brought with it.  I just wanted to ask if it gets easier or any tips on coping. Thank you in advance 

Parents Reply
  • My routine was like this when I was by myself with one dog. That was a male and he needed to go out quite a lot. That was four times a day. And he is active, shepherd-mix.

    I am very much time-driven and obsess a lot about it.

    I'd get up at 7:00 and make sure I'd shower, eat and take him out at 8:00. Weekends maybe 8:30 at the latest.

    I'd go for an hour and get back and feed him and work. Then I'd eat at 12, walk him from 12:30 to 13:00. Get back, work, take him back out at 17:00 till 17:30. Prepare food, eat, clean up, etc. Then at 21:30, latest 22:00 I'd take him for a small half hour.

    But my *** can hold on much longer and is lazier. She can easily manage three walks (8:00 - 9:00, 14:00 - 14:30, 21:30).
