Autism and therapy question

I'm 31, male and was diagnosed with autism last year. Though I find Asperger's fits me better, but anyway... I've thought for a while that seeing a psychiatrist would help me with my depression, feelings of self worth and suicide. I even saw a haematologist last week about a blood clotting disorder I have who strongly advised I see a psychiatrist. However, I have a classmate on my college course who has autism and who's off ill due to her depression and anxiety etc. When I suggested to them about seeing a councillor or therapist, she said that they wouldn't work because she has autism. Is this the case for autistic people? Does counselling/therapy not work for people on the spectrum...? It would make sense considering our brains are hardwired differently, therefore making it unlikely that changing our mindset would be effective, or is this just someone who's been misguided...? I imagine seeing a psychiatrist would help in the sense of having someone to talk to and unload my problems onto, but that's probably as far as it'll go.


  • Thanks for all the responses, guys. Some interesting and varied stories. Pirate Santa: your ADHD angle has gotten me curious. I didn't even think or consider that that could be related to the negative thinking I often get. Or the fact that it could be related to hyperfocus, which I also have with things that greatly interest me. I'll have to check out that link you've posted. I've lost count how many times people have gotten frustrated with me about my fixed and stubborn ways involving my mindset. They always suggest for me to change it, but they lack the understanding behind autism/Asperger's etc.

    Considering the lack of autism support in my area, I highly doubt there's anything to do with CBT. :-\ When I spoke to my GP about seeing a psychiatrist, the only place there seemed to be was a place in a near town where you could self-refer. I suspect they're more like councillors in mental health though.

  • Scored 61% on the ADHD test via that linked website.

  • I did the version for women and girls and got 88%. It seemed to me that many of the questions were about things that could also be explained by being autistic. 

  • My dad was like that. He couldn'tnhear or read about an illness without thinking he had it too. He was freaked out about bacteria too.

    I spent my childhood thinking you could contract anything from anywhere. Then I found out you don't have to worry about using the same cup twice etc.

  • I do tend towards hypochondria so my psychologist advised me not to spend too much time trying to diagnose myself with different conditions.

    I am really glad I did recognise I had an ASD though, as none of my GPs ever did, even when I mentioned it as a possibiiity. 

  • I do tend towards hypochondria so my psychologist advised me not to spend too much time trying to diagnose myself with different conditions.

    I am really glad I did recognise I had an ASD though, as none of my GPs ever did, even when I mentioned it as a possibiiity. 

  • My dad was like that. He couldn'tnhear or read about an illness without thinking he had it too. He was freaked out about bacteria too.

    I spent my childhood thinking you could contract anything from anywhere. Then I found out you don't have to worry about using the same cup twice etc.