I've had enough of not fitting in on this forum because I am not an empath. 

I had a long break from this forum and it hasn't changed. 

This is a large empath culture where some have low tolerance of non-empaths. 

No point in posting. No point in being here.

Requesting deletion of my account.

  • Post something about yourself.

    Likes, dislikes, experiences, insane behaviour!!!

    And we will respond. Grin

  • I very nearly posted something in response to this thread.


    But it would have required me to share things about myself that i wouldn't be comfortable posting here, and by here i mean the NAS forum. This isn't a forum for us really, it's the front end of a revenue generating machine; the ones being harvested are parents, carers and the 'professionals', we are the emotional tool employed to create leverage to further THEIR aims and objectives, not ours.

    They don't like aspies, we see straight through the bs, i know i won't last the days end here, im too controversial - again NAS can't deal with smart PDA ODD, why? Because they know we are right, it stings and you know how NTs handle that.

    Can you not feel the ghosts of members past here? This place *should* be bustling, it *should* be a hive of creative activity, it *should* be full of people sharing their journeys and stories of success, but it's not. Why? Because thats not the purpose of this thing.

    We have to lift eachother out of this mess and that can only be done through true community, freedom of expression, freedom of thought and (ok some of you are gna grab the sick bucket here but its true), love.

    Our hearts are not cold, we are scared of a world that routinely rejects us for being us, and in turn we unfortunately reject that world. A place that claims to represent and care for us should not be the antithesis of the spirit of who we are, it should not force us to conform to the NT world, ESPECIALLY in a post expressing outrage at the way WE are treated.


    NAS are in effect 'Controlled Opposition', their very existence demands this; Charities cannot be political, they cannot directly challenge governments. 

     "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"

      -Upton Sinclair.

  • Our hearts are not cold, we are scared of a world that routinely rejects us for being us, and in turn we unfortunately reject that world. A place that claims to represent and care for us should not be the antithesis of the spirit of who we are, it should not force us to conform to the NT world, ESPECIALLY in a post expressing outrage at the way WE are treated.

    Do you think that this forum is an NT playground or creche for us to be "held" in? Keep us all here playing nicely? We don't want you doing anything after all out there in the "real" world. Look, we made you a place where you can be you with "beings" of similar cast - would you like to do some colouring in? Maybe a puzzle?

    Yes, the rejection and hurt causes fear and this can lead to reject or self-exile due to the need for self-preservation.

    Also, there are some very intelligent and articulate people on the forum and maybe they are also scared.

  • It is not meant as mockery. Believe me.

    I am sick of being seen as a lesser individual and with those around me choosing to ignore who I am and that I struggle on a daily basis....and that seems to be ok for things to be that way.

    It those that supposedly "care"  about me - i.e family, partner etc, don't listen nor afford time to try and understand, then how am I ever to be understood and recognised by people in a wider society?

    Everyone seems blinkered to it, and like you say, tokenism is abundant?

    Sorry for causing offence, it was not mean or intended.

  • Nah it isn't jesting, more mocking really. Wouldn't expect any less. 

  • Indeed. But still no voice or clout.

    So, Perdu, what would you do? Protest, rebellion - (i.e a massive synchronised meltdown), revolution - (although maybe a quiet one as I don't like crowds and my heightened sensory processing may find it distressing)

    I am not jesting.... I don't just want a label (hey, I haven't even had a diagnosis), but a voice and some understanding would be nice (as a starting point).

Reply Children
  • It is not meant as mockery. Believe me.

    I am sick of being seen as a lesser individual and with those around me choosing to ignore who I am and that I struggle on a daily basis....and that seems to be ok for things to be that way.

    It those that supposedly "care"  about me - i.e family, partner etc, don't listen nor afford time to try and understand, then how am I ever to be understood and recognised by people in a wider society?

    Everyone seems blinkered to it, and like you say, tokenism is abundant?

    Sorry for causing offence, it was not mean or intended.

  • Nah it isn't jesting, more mocking really. Wouldn't expect any less. 

  • Indeed. But still no voice or clout.

    So, Perdu, what would you do? Protest, rebellion - (i.e a massive synchronised meltdown), revolution - (although maybe a quiet one as I don't like crowds and my heightened sensory processing may find it distressing)

    I am not jesting.... I don't just want a label (hey, I haven't even had a diagnosis), but a voice and some understanding would be nice (as a starting point).