Autistic Legal help - Searching for a lawyer

Hi I'm looking for legal help that is mindful of my conditions and how they've effected my life.

I have a criminal record due to my fascination with how things work which prevents solicitors taking me on as a client i believe. I am looking to take legal action against my father for years of violent and emotional abuse that has now caused me to have PTSD adding additional problems to my life that i didn't need and separately, the police for a potential wrongful arrest and mistreatment that too has caused me to be terrified that SWAT will break in through my windows, that every car door that slams on my fronts will be them coming to get me. 

I feel i am justified in my request for help but every time in searching for a lawyer via has turned up no positive results. The time frames for the violent and emotional abuse have run out, but we simply could not do anything about it while living under the culture of fear in the family home. I need to feel some justice in a world that has taken too much from me and i'm really sort of giving this a long shot attempted that somebody around here could point me in a fruitful direction. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

  • I'm not a legal professional, but as far as I am aware, legal types are pretty strict about time frames. As for the wrongful arrest, the fact that you already have a criminal record probably partly justifies an arrest, especially if you were arrested for something related to that. I can see why lawyers don't want to take your case because there is little chance of winning. My experience is that the world isn't fair and there really is no justice.

    You could try the Disability Law Service (google that and you will find their website) and they will no doubt have better informed information for you.

    I hope you are able to get your life back after your previous experiences.

  • I'm not a legal professional, but as far as I am aware, legal types are pretty strict about time frames. As for the wrongful arrest, the fact that you already have a criminal record probably partly justifies an arrest, especially if you were arrested for something related to that. I can see why lawyers don't want to take your case because there is little chance of winning. My experience is that the world isn't fair and there really is no justice.

    You could try the Disability Law Service (google that and you will find their website) and they will no doubt have better informed information for you.

    I hope you are able to get your life back after your previous experiences.

  • As they say, no one does as much damage to us as our parents. I was sorry to read what you wrote and to learn about your story. When my father was physically abusive to my mother and me, I felt like the whole world had given up on me. Then helped us. If anyone else is looking for help from a lawyer in a similar situation, you can listen to me because I went through it myself, and I managed to get a distance and inviolability agreement. After the trial, my father threatened me several times, and after his last threat, he was put on a police record.

  • Thank you for the reply and the suggestion. For clarification:

    The record is due to my growing cannabis for personal medical use. It is the only thing that will not destroy my health and not turn me into a zombie while relieving my crippling anxiety, stress and manic depression. Before an interjection i'll add these symptoms were severely worse before undertaking this medication and i strongly take offensive to those that, without proof, claim to know more than myself regarding my own personal health and choices thereof. 

    I reached out to my MP about the above issue and if they would lobby for medical users such as myself but they responded with uneducated gargle. Another disappointing blow for my beyond weary soul.

    The arrest was "wrongful" in that it was because of a housing injunction due to my landlord not liking my general way of living; I just seem at odds to neighbours. I didn't break any laws, i was not charged with anything and shouting (aka having a meltdown) was not a stipulated cause for arrest on the injunction. Behaviour that caused the injunction includes not clearing my rubbish in the yard, painting "my" shed, shouting (melting down privately in my own walls), and primarily calling my neighbour fat on twitter, which he is. This was after they became intolerant of me without cause and spat on my offer of friendship. I'm a homosexual and the above fat neighbours are too and i expected to bond over this given it was my friend home and first real interaction with a gay couple and extended interaction with other gay people. 

    I do not believe these two things should stop me being able to take my father to court for inflicting the damage he has upon me. I suffer from PTSD and i'm forced to relive horrible situations my mother, sister and i endured. My mother and sister have settled with the notion that nothing can be done, that we should have cried for help when we were in the middle of it all (a laughable suggestion for anybody that has lived through abuse like this) and they think i should give up too. I can not give up. I am haunted and i need to see justice dealt to this man. Are we to just think of ourselves in shame for not having a stronger backbone, for not wanting to be further harmed when attempting to 'get out'?

    Things he has done, and that i have recently told police, include shooting my pet rats while i was not home. They had been moved from the dining room to the shed after i began to suffer from germ-phobia and this was, naturally, my fathers response to that: To destroy those i love instead of cleaning them for me and directing me to help. My sister witnessed this. We couldn't do anything at the time; we had nowhere to go and he was so violently powerful in his reign over us.

    I would still appreciate replies from others with suggestions. Thank you. 

    I will use these posts as reference to send to law people so i don't have to type it out again.