Miswired Women of the Net!

An informal thread for all misfired and miswired women on the spectrum...,(and guests). A new thread as we can chat away but are not so good tidying up after ourselves....too busy being awesome..,,

This is a new iteration of many long and warm and welcoming contributions. This is a happy and supportive place x 

  • It’s part of who I am...and I choose to celebrate it x

  • I'm glad I joined in too...thanks everyone....ha ha it's good to know I am not the only one who is likely to mess it up as I am sure that back tracking is something I will definitely be prone to doing as once something catches my eye I can go off on a tangent - but hey! I guess that is all part of the fun...

  • Exactly so. We have these threads as a welcome and a place to be ourselves. Welcome Queenie Redshoes.  I also first joined in with a thread started by Ellie for women with asd. It felt an ok place to start and am so glad I did. D.C. it is supposed to be linear but quite often it becomes ravelled and so when this becomes too much we start a new one. And occasionally the back tracking does occur which is why Ellie was telling me not to mess it up!  And so this is a continuation of the previous women’s threads. We quite like making up new tiitles it’s part of our individuality I suppose. And no grammar etc isn’t the priority, feeling at ease to be ourselves is. I’m not great at live chat either which is why it’s quite common for more than one person to reply at the same time and mine to arrive after someone else’s! Anyway good evening everyone

  • yeah, I am beginning to realise that now.....it is such a liberating feeling because for the first time in my life I feel more at peace and it is because I am not banging my head a against a brick wall trying to understand/listen/fit in with all the NT mischief around that we are navigate on a daily basis....I am kind of picking my battles more in that respect.....

  • ha ha I think you might be right....mine didn't exactly go missing...but my results went on the missing list for a while so I had a week long "cliff hanger" moment while I waited to find out whether I was going to be referred on for "formal diagnosis"

  • We do fit...because we frame ourselves in ND terms not NT....,we fit here because we know who we are,,.we don’t fit there...because it is too difficult at times to explain or to listen and comprehend 

  • these questionnaires must be rather shy - mine also went missing the first time round...  

  • Hello Disallowed Cynosure, I am new to all of this and am pretty much just muddling through all this forum stuff as I've never done it before but I feel sure that the main thing is this is a space where we do not judge particularly on stuff like grammar etc which although is indeed important I think it would be a shame to let any concerns about those kind of errors get in the way of joining in.  This seems to be a pretty welcoming place so I sure you can "dip" in and out how and when you want.....I know I have read an awful lot more than I have "joined in".....welcome anyway xx

  • Good evening..

    it is a pleasure to have you here and I value you and your contribution....now or in the twilight hours. Posting is a chaos that does not suit everyone...but knowing that others exist I hope is a comfort x

  • Hi Ellie, thanks for the welcome, it's funny but I was just thinking I have seen many of us describe ourselves as misfits or miswired etc but here on this forum we all seem to somehow "fit" and I think that is a fantastic thing...

  • As I was typing this, another new reply showed up, just to let anyone know, that I had not known that as I was Posting THAT Post. Good Evening once more.

  • Um... Good evening... if I may express a curiosity again...:
    - Misfit61- "Thank you Ellie. Very pleased to have a new but continued place to meet up"
    - Elephantintheroom - " Don’t mess it up...lol x "
    - ... but then Bonniepurple writes - " Thanks Ellie. I must admit that I find this site so difficult to navigate with the replies within threads rather than going to the end and so I just avoid it when I’m tired after work."
    ... and now I see that replies progress in a certain manner. Correct me if I am wrong, but the intention is to progress things in a LINEAR fashion? No posting anything by back-tracking, or as Miss Bonniepurple mentioned. Please tell me if this is a correct assumption or not.

    Regardless of that, I give Good Wishes to all, and a last thing:
    Elephantintheroom - " Do you think they’ll be brave and join? "
    Whatever my following answer means to anyone else, I give apology anyway... Yet: I should like to join in, but I cannot do "live chat" - here or in real life. It matters not, how nice people are... I just cannot do it! I begin to make errors in grammar, and I say the wrong things... and so, I like to see all of this, yet I cannot really join in.
    I may say something from time-to-time... but I only come out after dark, very late, when the Internet is less busy...
    Make of that what you will...(!)

  • yes! that's a good description....we are being more accepting of who we are and so less scared of the potential consequences that go with just letting things flow more?

  • Hi RedShoes...42 year old misfit here...welcome to the space...well done for doin* so we’ll on your journey so far x

  • Not fighting it....? Lettin* things flow? .....being less scared by the potential consequences?

  • Hello everyone! I am a newbie and dipped in and out of the forums but have not said much, I thought I would introduce myself as I stumbled across the previous aspie women & guests thread a few days ago and when I saw this one had opened up I had a peek and thought I'd take the plunge and say hello :-) I am a 47 year old woman.  My GP did a referral for me and I had the initial tests a few weeks ago at my local mental health services and was told that I am indeed on the spectrum however the next step is to be referred for a "formal" diagnosis and I got the letter last week confirming I am indeed on the waiting list which is currently 12 to 18 months long.  I too have found that since I have started to admit it to others I have found I have "dropped the mask a bit" and I guess I know what you mean Bonnie about feeling more autistic as a result - I am beginning to realise how much I did "mask" before and how flippin exhausting it can be.....I was trying to describe it this evening to my partner and said I felt a bit like a duck on a pond who looks like on the surface is just gliding a long but what you can't see is my legs going round and round at a frantic pace - I suppose that is what we do most of the time we have learned to "mask" or camouflage who we are as a kind of coping mechanism...... 

  • Yes I hope they will join in. Hello Bonnie good to see you. I understand the tiredness factor for joining in all too well. Yes I have found that too.. I almost feel like I’ve reverted more to how I was in younger years and yes more myself.. it’s like a relaxation from continual effort. Hard to put it into words. 

  • Hi Bonnie...I’m trying to drop the mask too but it is a challenge....so when you say you feel more autistic.....is that the same as feeling more like “you”?......it is a transition....and I think we are constantly transitioning .....

    good to hear from you x