• RE: Is my daughter autistic

    As a mother and someone who is autistic, here are some suggestions:

    Most likely zero to full meltdown in seconds is either because we've failed to communicate a thing on repeat and it's built up. Young autistics cannot be forced they require a good deal…

  • RE: Disgusting attitudes of medical 'professionals'

    Otter - That was exactly what we thought, the Dr who said she didn't have autism was just going off a checklist and not listening to what we were saying. I still find it laughable that she thinks meeting my daughter for just over an hour could give her…

  • Is this meltdown, shutdown, or something else?

    As a recently diagnosed 44 year old autistic, I’m still beginning to match past and ongoing experiences to newly discovered terminology. 

    I’m also realising that m, while there’s comfort in the broad commonalities of this invaluable community, one…

  • RE: Mother of recently diagnosed 15 year old autistic daughter

    I hope I can somewhat help...
    I was diagnosed when I was 14 years old (so similar to your daughter) and also went through a similar period to what she seems to be experiencing - i was in total denial about my diagnosis for the 18 months following…

  • RE: My experience of shut-down - does anyone else experience the same?

    Hi Clare,

    The first thing to say is that you are not alone in having shut-downs like these, and I have them myself.  From what I have seen here and on other forums, shut-downs are almost as common for autistic people as the "explosive meltdowns" which…

  • RE: Why is socialising so hard?

    Borrowed from aspergers100.com

    Here are a few basics to help you in social situations:

    • Keep in good mental and physical shape, through healthy diet and exercise
    • Have interests and activities that raise your self-esteem. If you like and value yourself…
  • my story with autism (not a pleasant read)

    hi i needed to get this off my chest this is gona be a long post because i need to get it all off my chest. im gona try and make it easy to read and if u make it through and post something nice tyvm i appriciate it

    im a 33 yr old female btw with autism…

  • 36 year old female who thinks she might be autistic

    Ok so this post is my attempt to empty my brain of the thoughts that have been hounding me for months about possibly having autism and work out how to approach my GP about being referred for diagnosis.  This might turn into a bit of a ramble.

    First off…