• RE: How to manage school holidays

    We don't have a daily routine but do try to manage his expectations for the day with a visual timetable.

    E tries to watch a lot of TV, but we enforce time without.

    We go out to the park or similar every day, E also likes to burn off energy on his…

  • RE: Hello


    I was diagnosed in November 2021. I'm 30. 

    I always felt different somehow, and have always struggled with socialising and managing things such as work. I have had four full time jobs... They all ended the same way, and that was with me completely…

  • RE: Supermarket annoyance.

    • I qualified my statement with "less than charitable" in recognition of the fact that I had later reflected upon my thoughts and found them wanting. If I didn't perceive such behaviour as rude, I would not have driven myself to burn-out so many times…
  • RE: Undiagnosed autism

    Like I mentioned, I was having all sorts of difficulties - my mask had been perfected over 20+ years and all of a sudden it didn't fit. The scientist in me was unable to fix the mask so I could see there was a problem.

    The diagnosis path was fast…

  • RE: CBT

    A good therapist should not just work for you, but with you. If you have any concerns about how it's going, feel that it's trying to fight the wrong battles, or that certain autistic traits make an exercise particularly difficult for you, don't be afraid…

  • RE: barred from accessing health care

    Welcome back, Muddled1.

    I know just how you feel. On one of the other autism sites today, another member, with all the best intentions in the world, recommended that I get myself a mentor, apply to social services, and ask my GP for a mental health referral…

  • Family of aspies? Exhaustion looms..


    I'm new to the forum, and i'm trawling the internet for guidance and direction to help me to help my family.

    My 11 yr old son is going through the diagnosis process at the moment, and has all sorts of emotional problems.  He's been perscribed…

  • RE: ASD and not being able to read people but being able to 'feel' them

    I heard a 'sort of' , 'almost' explanation of it from the person who assessed me for my Asperger's diagnosis. She said that 'we' (Asperger's) not only tend to have higher (or at least above average) intelligence but that this intelligence is predominantly…

  • RE: Self-harm during meltdowns (obvious TW: self-harm - inc. brief mention of some methods)

    I think sometimes all of the things you have mentioned come under 'self-harm' and sometimes people categorise deliberate hurting oneself in the form of cutting/burning/whatever as 'self-injury', but they're colloquially just used interchangeably.…

  • RE: Sensory Triggers & Spoon Theory

    (That's quite a cloud of stink)

    I call it ''perfume overdose'', it upsets my nose Stuck out tongue

    intense elderflower aroma makes me feint

    bleach odour - makes me want to throw up, 

    burning incense sticks - guranteed throw up if I stay in range for…