• RE: what kind of work do people do?

    Indeed.  I just find it problematic if the default assumption is that everyone must work in paid employment. 

    I can remember reading, years ago in a graduate careers centre, a very small paragraph about some people being temperamentally unsuited to the…

  • RE: Dealing with smells

    Yes good idea - I'm not sure what smell to go for though. Needs to be something strong enough to block the others out, but not strong enough to be annoying itself.

    At home I've been known to burn incense sticks to cope with the late night fry-ups…

  • RE: Appropriate clothing

    The next step is of course removing the old ones.

    You could use a few creative lies here - "they were blown off the washing line in high winds", "foxes got to them and were playing tug of war with them" or "the fashion police turned…

  • Making friends

    Hello my name is Mark I'm 34 years old and I Work in Tesco part time. I live in South Wales near Cardiff and my hobbies are going down the gym , walking, cooking and going on nice holidays. I am a very friendly person and I'm very interested in people…

  • RE: Computer and tablet addiction?

    How do you know she’s wasting her life away? I’m not sure what you mean by that. I’m not a child but I have autism and I’m so glued to my phone that I’m getting pains etc in that arm, but it’s been the best thing ever for me. I’m so grateful to it.…

  • RE: "It's like you are just a spectator in this thing": experiencing social life the 'Aspie' way

    I think, since diagnosis, I have actually begun to behave more 'autistically'.  By this, I don't mean that I'm putting on more of an act; rather, I'm putting on less of an act.  Less of a neurotypical act.

    Even a little…

  • RE: Does anyone else struggle to cook?

    i cook until black lol
    just stick something in the grill and wait until its nice and black so that i can be sure i wont get food poisoning.
    but as for losing weight, i dunno i rather take the excercise route... go out for walks, pump weights. you know if…

  • RE: My son is obese and I am so responsible

    lukes mummy,

    Firstly, one thing stood out in your second post - you say he eats lots of fruit - this could be your key - try reducing the 'bad' foods and replacing them with more fruit - one can get almost all the nutrients we need from fruit and veg.…

  • RE: Hello from a newbie female suspected 'Aspie'!

    I'm 53, just been unofficially diagnosed (had a similar experience at work, BTW)  but my partner refuses to accept it, preferring to believe that I'm deliberately awkward. Socially, I'm effing backward. Mentally, a potential genius (honesty, not immodesty…

  • fire alarm going off

    Good morning

    Was fast asleep until the fire alarm went off around 3.30am and couldn't get back to sleep.

    I was feeling anxious as thought had to get out. Does anyone feel the same?

    In my former workplace used to have a fire alarm test. Really annoying…