• Waiting for a diagnosis...am I overthinking the whole situation?

    Hi. I'm not sure where to begin. I (f18) have recently reached out via my sixth form, to ask my form tutor about potential referral for ASD screening as I believe I might have Asperger's/be on the spectrum. A few years ago, when I was 14, a psychologist…

  • HELP...infomation please???

    hi my names bethan, im new to all this (and dont really no if im doing this right lol) but would just like some adivice if possible...i have a 4yr old son called 'zephyr',hes always been well lets say challenging,but as hes my only child i havnt really…

  • Is this meltdown, shutdown, or something else?

    As a recently diagnosed 44 year old autistic, I’m still beginning to match past and ongoing experiences to newly discovered terminology. 

    I’m also realising that m, while there’s comfort in the broad commonalities of this invaluable community, one…

  • RE: Newbie with relationship questions

    Hi Nettle,

    I can understand why having to ask for a cuddle might seem a bit formal and lacking in spontaneity but I’m afraid when your partner suffers from fixed rigid thinking patterns, we’re not as spontaneous as NTs, we can sometimes be but just not…

  • Autism and Narcissism

    These three weeks I've spent at home - 2 on leave, 1 on sick leave - have been pretty stressful and intense.  Lots of stuff going on, both in my head and in my life.  Problems to figure out.  Small things some of them.  Like I said somewhere else, though…

  • Hello

    Hello my friends, I haven’t been on here for a while and this morning, even though I’m preparing to go on my much loved, new walking route, I felt I had to come on.

    I don’t like all the changes. I have no idea if they’re good or bad, I just…

  • Rambling through No Mans Land


    I have posted before but did not really say much about myself-if I remember correctly.

    I still have not hasd the official diagnosis but a doctor at my surgery seemed reasonably convinced that I am Autistic, I gave him a copy of my life history…

  • RE: CBT Therapy?

    I was in a CBT group several years ago, as a result of my first, failed attempt to get an ASD diagnosis.  CBT isn't always done in groups, though.  And it wasn't specifically an ASD group, either.

    I can't say it really helped me, but I was clearly…

  • Burnout?

    Hi Everyone! 

    I was diagnosed Autistic in September, just before my 21st Birthday.

    Since July 2022, I've been Agoraphobic which means I'm unable to leave my home. More so over the past 6months I've struggled with basic motivation to complete tasks, my…

  • Last Christmas - a piece of writing

    Hi folks,

    Many of you will know that I nursed mum through her final six months of life before she passed away in April.  I've written a book about the experience.  This extract is, coincidentally, where I've just gotten to in the redraft.  It's Christmas…