• RE: Stool withholding 6 year old - what else can we do?

    Hello, Sending lots of understanding.  Our teen daughter has just successfully graduated her program.  It's been a long haul - not quite as bad as your child's but it's been difficult and has involved emergency hospital visits.

    I've even been…

  • RE: What must we do to change things?

    Actually, I don't think all autistic people are the same.  I think I said that there is no one model for autistic people in the same way that there is no one model for non-autistic people.  It's a spectrum condition, and each autistic person is unique…

  • RE: Depression with Autism?

    I like your outlook. I think you don't see people as a lost cause. You see people with some worth. You still see the potential people can have. It's a catch 22 because it seems what's getting you down too.

    Hey, I know how it is. It's a shitty…


    OK, here's a couple of ideas that might help... Sounds like you might already know a bit about this but just in case I'll write a fairly in depth version...

    At childrens hospitals with young children what they do is to act out scenarios with a…

  • 10 sensory activities for children with ASD

    When you’re fostering a child with autism, it’s important to understand what sensory information triggers them, both indoors and outside. You can then trial different activities to see which ones they’re comfortable engaging with. Some games may…

  • Escaping the system

    Work, consume, die and never question why

    I believe this is what we are being taught every day. Children at school are not taught to learn, develop, think for themselves and have enquiring minds. They are taught to become part of the system, good little…

  • RE: Advice(s) needed: relocation to the UK with an autistic child

    First of all, this company might be able to help www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/

    Most likely, your 'severe' case is being made worse by ABA. They try to "help" based on Neuro-Normative wiring and how Autistic kids grow is fundamentally different. We are…

  • IBS and the Low FODMAP Diet

    Who here has symptoms of IBS? 

    I think I have it because I get arthritic pains in my joints after eating, a bloated stomach (even when I eat a low calorie diet), frequent feelings of tiredness and sometimes violent bowel movements. I've been researching…

  • RE: Feeling Alone, Ignored, and Misunderstood

    Hi Dan,

    I'm commenting in the hope that I can help you. Please try and take a lesson that I learned from years ago. Using the internet forums to help you try and socialise doesn't always work. It isn't that people don't care but sometimes they don't know…

  • My Awesomely Aspergers 11 year old


    my first ever blog post:

    I'm WINGING IT again. 

    I've given it thought and I think now I'll say:

    My oldest son has an Aspergers brain. There. *Long exhale of breath*

    He knows it. 

    Frankly, he tells everyone he…