• RE: Annoying characteristics of supermarkets.

    That’s a bit obsessive isn’t it? Putting things back exactly where you found them? Why is it rude to put them wherever you want?

    Let's use another example, then.  You visit someone's home.  You pick up an ornament from the sideboard, then take it…

  • RE: Mental Health Act review

    I graduated in 1981 with 500 graduates to one job. I was unprepared for the deep seated hostility that exists towards the unemployed. It really woke me up to what kind of a world this is and I became an activist too, taking part in CND demonstrations…

  • RE: Appointment tomorrow, advice.

    Hi there,

    I noticed you're trying to find a way of explaining your 'differences' to your husband.  I usually say things like I'm a cat in a world of dogs - trying hard to be like a dog by copying their behaviour, in order to be accepted by…

  • RE: ASD & Bowel problems NHS

    Bowel problems and ASD are commonly linked but the problem is that there is no real good science that can help with working out why there is a link. Dr Wakefield was investigating this when he got into trouble with making up his data in the MMR scandal…

  • RE: New to Spectrum

    Presumably the gp has suggested the diet diary because of the asthma? There are people that believe that there is a link between food intolerance and behavioural issues too. Personally I have intolerance to a lot of fruit and vegetables and also have…

  • RE: Hobbies and interests - members lists

    Hello Camille,

    Your English is really good!.

    I am into Thomas Hardy and I have read Jude the Obscure and Tess. Jude is a really great novel but very sad. I have read Wuthering  Heights and most of Bronte. My favourite Beauvoir book is The Second Sex.

    I live…

  • Help needed for an Autistic App building project (Student project by 14 year olds)

    Good afternoon everyone,

    We are a group of four 14 year old boys studying a design and technology course at school in Kent, UK.  We recently entered a competition called the 'Inspiring digital enterprise award' hosted by the Duke of York and Nominet Trust…

  • RE: Bits and bobs, this and that

    I've been cooking today,

    That is one of the great things about this time of the year in the UK - so much fruit and veg is appearing in the markets at low prices so you can do lots of this sort of thing.

    I love to do big batches of…

  • RE: Atos/WCA documentary's

    Scorpion0x17 said:

    It's like saying "I have a red apple, and I've only ever seen red apples, therefore all apples must be red".

    You simply can not take one, a hundred, or even a thousand, examples of a lack of compassion and simply extrapolate…

  • RE: Can Autism be cured??

    Lies NEED to have "incalculable damage" inflicted on them.

    MOST (not all, some are as you correctly intuit, driven by malevolence or insanity, we have our "bad apples" too) are trying to raise awareness of some very inconvenient truths.…