Atos/WCA documentary's

Did anyone see the dispatches or panorama documentaries last week?

Very interesting to see Atos & DWP lies exposed, its a shame that most people won't care and allow Chris "Mengele" Grayling to get away with it.

  • Scorpion0x17 said:

    It's like saying "I have a red apple, and I've only ever seen red apples, therefore all apples must be red".

    You simply can not take one, a hundred, or even a thousand, examples of a lack of compassion and simply extrapolate that out to all cases.

    But there is a whole world of difference between some jerk being a jerk in a WCA, and someone carting off jews, gays, and the disabled to be gassed, during WWII.

    When we're being carted of to the gas chambers, then I'll agree with you.

    It is also an offense to those that did die at the hands the nazi machine during the holocaust.

    Now, I'm sure you know that neither of us has access to the information, or the resources, to actually conduct such research in the proper manner, so suggesting such a thing is really quite pointless.

    Labelling all WCA assessors as discompassionate is as bad as labelling all benefits claiments as scroungers.

    Again I will try to explain, I never made any direct comparison between jews, gas chambers and this issue, It was not my analogy,

    I have never mentioned either of those words until now in response to you, I already explained my comparison, if I didn’t make it clear I am sorry about that, but I am trying to explain something via computer here and you know for us neurotypicals its not always that easy to do Laughing

    My comparison was on the issue of compassion and the justification of them ‘doing their job’ not anything else, and as the comparison was not mine to begin with i dont feel i "offended" anyone, it was there, i saw it, if that is an offense i cant do much about that

    I have had several of these “interviews” over the last few years, with different “interviewers” and I had many long before they changed, I have been on long term disability for many years, so I kinda know a wee bit about when and what changed about the system, and the people interviewing

    And so Im not taking “one” example, but it doesn’t really matter, you have your views on it, and you can only go based on your experience

    To be honest, I had to research that to appeal my own claim, its easy, type in atos/complaints/interview you get thousands of them, all saying the same things, or visit your local mp, who will no doubt have been inundated, as ours had said he was, with atos “interview” complaints

    This isn’t a “one off or a few” we all wish it was, this has been happening all over Britain

    I have to point out, probably a bit pedantically, that I have never said “all” about atos, I said all in general, about the system and “all” of these issues, I apologise if I didn’t make that clear it was in reference you having said this “I mean when the politicians say one thing, the DWP another, and Atos yet another, who are you meant to believe?

    When it comes to atos “interviews”, I maintain its the majority but not necessarily not “all”

    Scorpion0x17 said:

    I don't know just how many times I need to repeat this simple idea for you to get it, but I'll try again

    Theres no need to be rude over it

    But, if they are hired and told what to do, it seems to be logical that they will ,as a majority ,do it, as we both agree its their job to do it, they will be fired if they don’t, and thats even if its not the way they normally are

    So whether its “all” literally or not, is far too many, and far too many people are being treated unfairly for no reason , I hope we can at least agree on that and leave it there


  • Scorpion0x17 said:

    It's like saying "I have a red apple, and I've only ever seen red apples, therefore all apples must be red".

    You simply can not take one, a hundred, or even a thousand, examples of a lack of compassion and simply extrapolate that out to all cases.

    But there is a whole world of difference between some jerk being a jerk in a WCA, and someone carting off jews, gays, and the disabled to be gassed, during WWII.

    When we're being carted of to the gas chambers, then I'll agree with you.

    It is also an offense to those that did die at the hands the nazi machine during the holocaust.

    Now, I'm sure you know that neither of us has access to the information, or the resources, to actually conduct such research in the proper manner, so suggesting such a thing is really quite pointless.

    Labelling all WCA assessors as discompassionate is as bad as labelling all benefits claiments as scroungers.

    Again I will try to explain, I never made any direct comparison between jews, gas chambers and this issue, It was not my analogy,

    I have never mentioned either of those words until now in response to you, I already explained my comparison, if I didn’t make it clear I am sorry about that, but I am trying to explain something via computer here and you know for us neurotypicals its not always that easy to do Laughing

    My comparison was on the issue of compassion and the justification of them ‘doing their job’ not anything else, and as the comparison was not mine to begin with i dont feel i "offended" anyone, it was there, i saw it, if that is an offense i cant do much about that

    I have had several of these “interviews” over the last few years, with different “interviewers” and I had many long before they changed, I have been on long term disability for many years, so I kinda know a wee bit about when and what changed about the system, and the people interviewing

    And so Im not taking “one” example, but it doesn’t really matter, you have your views on it, and you can only go based on your experience

    To be honest, I had to research that to appeal my own claim, its easy, type in atos/complaints/interview you get thousands of them, all saying the same things, or visit your local mp, who will no doubt have been inundated, as ours had said he was, with atos “interview” complaints

    This isn’t a “one off or a few” we all wish it was, this has been happening all over Britain

    I have to point out, probably a bit pedantically, that I have never said “all” about atos, I said all in general, about the system and “all” of these issues, I apologise if I didn’t make that clear it was in reference you having said this “I mean when the politicians say one thing, the DWP another, and Atos yet another, who are you meant to believe?

    When it comes to atos “interviews”, I maintain its the majority but not necessarily not “all”

    Scorpion0x17 said:

    I don't know just how many times I need to repeat this simple idea for you to get it, but I'll try again

    Theres no need to be rude over it

    But, if they are hired and told what to do, it seems to be logical that they will ,as a majority ,do it, as we both agree its their job to do it, they will be fired if they don’t, and thats even if its not the way they normally are

    So whether its “all” literally or not, is far too many, and far too many people are being treated unfairly for no reason , I hope we can at least agree on that and leave it there


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