• Eject water from Apple watch

    I dropped my Apple watch in water. I'm very upset and don't know what to do. Any advice is appreciated. 

  • Apple Ipad Apps to support development


    Can anyone recommend any development apps for our 4 year old daughter who is suspected of having ASD (awaiting diagnosis). Academically she is very young compared to her peers so even apps that may help from 2+ may be suitable.

    Also interested in…

  • Lost your love of life! Too much Apple Pie!

    The ongoing Media focus on Trump and Harris is simply the Empire rearranging the Deckchairs on the Titanic.

    They know that it's RFK Jr, rather than Trump, who poses the GENUINE threat to the System. Therefore, allowing Trump to be victimised allows him…

  • One bad apple doesn’t spoil the fruit bowl.

    Last topic probably from me. I will tell you a true historic story. We had a part time social worker, Mary, who worked in a forensic team at the Maudsley under a consultant called Paul. Paul had to take early retirement for having a relationship with…

  • Applied for PIP and got an Apple through the post...

    So i applied for PIP and got an Apple in the post from the DWP.

    Considering an Apple has lots of PIPS does this mean i will get lots more Money ?

  • RE: Does anyone else hate the Linux analogy?

    Yes being also an apple fan and deep in the apple ecosystem, I agree. 

  • RE: Non smartphone users of the world unite!

    depends if its a iphone. if its a iphone only a official apple repairman is allowed to repair it and if anyone else touches it or tries to fix it apple sues them lol and apple repairmen cost more than the phone itself.

  • RE: Biscuits

    Thank you for the reply!

    I like apples.

    I will try to try Melba Apple Pie Cookies.

  • RE: 3 Good Things (Redux)

    1. Feel less bad today, thankfully! 

    2. Changed a light bulb in an outbuilding, requiring steps since God/genetics didn't make me tall. A small but annoying job too easy to put off.

    3. While I was round the back, checked out the apple trees - the apples…