Advice please....

My daughter (16) has Autism and had her first day at college today.... it did not go well! She struggled with the structure, the content, the people and the bus ride :-( She wants to change college... Do I help her to look at her other college options or encourage her to give it time and not quit and continue to liaise with her key worker? Any advice from parents or young adults appreciated.

  • hi :)

    sorry to hear that your daughter had a tricky day.

    i was diagnosed only recently and while i managed to get through sixth form i did struggle.

    whether or not to move college is a tricky decision: moving colleges could mean a whole new group of people and different environment that is also hard, it could however be a good thing if they support her needs better. it's a hard decision!

    while i didn't attend a college (i instead went to my school sixth form) after talking to some friends who moved to college, i know that the structure was much 'looser' and you were expected to be more independent. it could be worth looking at a sixth form (obviously considering your daughters needs and if they offer her course). in my experience they usually have more structure and better student support (especially if they are attached to a school). 

    at the moment i would encourage her to try at least a week, it could just be that a new routine after the summer holidays is tricky and after the adjustment it could be easier? 

  • Hi and welcome to the community!

    You might find some of the advice here helpful, which includes links to other resources:

    NAS - Transitions England - Starting college or university

    NAS - Transition tips

    There's also advice for other areas within the UK here, along with an article about decision making:

    NAS - Transitions

  • Might be worth contacting the college disability service to see what they suggest. They would know which buildings might be problematic for different disabilities.

    Most are happy to speak to people before study starts too, so if she does decide to change, she could find out in advance.

  • Thank you, good advice and your feedback is appreciated. We have had a chat which is when she said she wished she gone for another course (her second choice). I have advised give it a few days and acknowledged her first day was (and was always going to be) hard. 

  • There is a lot packed into that short paragraph. 

    The answer is not a simple yes or no. It depends on the situation, of course. If something occurred on her first day that was unforgivable, then maybe changing college is a good option. If it was a normal day, maybe one day is not enough to truly judge it. 

    Not knowing the full details, not really needing to, I will suggest giving it a few days. That being said, taking one overwhelming day and adding another is not going to make anything better. 

    Are there options for transportation? Maybe not doing the bus ride will make the difference. Will a different college have a different structure? If not, then changing schools will not change that aspect. Is she being bullied? Are there structures in place to help and fight against the bullying? Is it just normal people not understanding and it's ok? 

    I know it isn't a straightforward answer, but it's something to think about. Typically, these things are not black and white, and we autistics tend to think in black and white.

    Also remember to not invalidate her feelings in all of this either. The short list you have is a lot of change all at once. This cannot be easy to handle emotionally, on top of dealing with school and social situations. Maybe talking to her about this will help, identifying the feelings and where they are coming from.