Older women on the forum? Your early years?

Older women on the forum? Your early years? Mine are in my profile. Share?

  • Hi yes I'm 57 diagnosed 2018. 

    Childhood pretty difficult at school, didn't fit in, communication problems , lonely and sad didn't understand myself,  neither did my family I was very different to them. Things have improved a lot now were all older.

    Mental health problems always had anxiety due to masking, feeling odd and unaccepted and unloved. Got dangerously low. Turned to God and life improved a lot.

    In my 40's realised I felt as if I had a learning disability with communication. 

    Saw a TV programme and realised its autism. 

    Eventually got diagnosed. 

    Managed to be happily married had children now grown up and have young grandchildren. Still have problems with friend making and communication. 

    Have managed a career and still working part time.

  • Hi yes I'm 57 diagnosed 2018. 

    Childhood pretty difficult at school, didn't fit in, communication problems , lonely and sad didn't understand myself,  neither did my family I was very different to them. Things have improved a lot now were all older.

    Mental health problems always had anxiety due to masking, feeling odd and unaccepted and unloved. Got dangerously low. Turned to God and life improved a lot.

    In my 40's realised I felt as if I had a learning disability with communication. 

    Saw a TV programme and realised its autism. 

    Eventually got diagnosed. 

    Managed to be happily married had children now grown up and have young grandchildren. Still have problems with friend making and communication. 

    Have managed a career and still working part time.

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