Books books books

Hey there 

I just finished a audiobook called Unmasking Autism by Devon Price. I really enjoyed it and this was my first experience of an audible. I struggle to read books as I find I read and then track back and read again, I struggle to concentrate and take it all in basically.

Is there a must read book that anyone can recommend for self discovering as a newly recognised autistic? 

  • I got to the top of the library wait list for "Unmasking Autism"! just downloaded the audiobook version! When I can tear myself away from Nick Harkaway's genius sci novels that channel the spirits of PG Wodehouse and Terry Pratchett so will be my next read. 

  • I got to the top of the library wait list for "Unmasking Autism"! just downloaded the audiobook version! When I can tear myself away from Nick Harkaway's genius sci novels that channel the spirits of PG Wodehouse and Terry Pratchett so will be my next read. 

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