Books books books

Hey there 

I just finished a audiobook called Unmasking Autism by Devon Price. I really enjoyed it and this was my first experience of an audible. I struggle to read books as I find I read and then track back and read again, I struggle to concentrate and take it all in basically.

Is there a must read book that anyone can recommend for self discovering as a newly recognised autistic? 

  • You'd be the first! Laughing My family say they'd love for me to review the books I've just read and after two minutes they're like I've got something to do now byyyeee. Lol. I definitely recommend them though, they are all informative and useful books and helped me in different ways. 

    It won't let me post in the comments bit for some reason Expressionless

  • You'd be the first! Laughing My family say they'd love for me to review the books I've just read and after two minutes they're like I've got something to do now byyyeee. Lol. I definitely recommend them though, they are all informative and useful books and helped me in different ways. 

    It won't let me post in the comments bit for some reason Expressionless

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