Books books books

Hey there 

I just finished a audiobook called Unmasking Autism by Devon Price. I really enjoyed it and this was my first experience of an audible. I struggle to read books as I find I read and then track back and read again, I struggle to concentrate and take it all in basically.

Is there a must read book that anyone can recommend for self discovering as a newly recognised autistic? 

  • A book I recommend is Loud Hands: Autistic People Speaking. I've read this book and found it a good resource for myself on my journey of self discovery and I still read it now from time to time.

    I would recommend it to everyone who's autistic. It has great reviews too which I think says a lot about it.

    "Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking is a collection of essays written by and for Autistic people. Spanning from the dawn of the Neurodiversity movement to the blog posts of today, Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking catalogues the experiences and ethos of the Autistic community and preserves both diverse personal experiences and the community’s foundational documents together side by side."

    -from ASAN

    Here's the link in case anyone is interested.

    The books content was written by autistic people like you and me. That for me is what makes this book even better because I feel I can really relate.

  • A book I recommend is Loud Hands: Autistic People Speaking. I've read this book and found it a good resource for myself on my journey of self discovery and I still read it now from time to time.

    I would recommend it to everyone who's autistic. It has great reviews too which I think says a lot about it.

    "Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking is a collection of essays written by and for Autistic people. Spanning from the dawn of the Neurodiversity movement to the blog posts of today, Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking catalogues the experiences and ethos of the Autistic community and preserves both diverse personal experiences and the community’s foundational documents together side by side."

    -from ASAN

    Here's the link in case anyone is interested.

    The books content was written by autistic people like you and me. That for me is what makes this book even better because I feel I can really relate.
