Books books books

Hey there 

I just finished a audiobook called Unmasking Autism by Devon Price. I really enjoyed it and this was my first experience of an audible. I struggle to read books as I find I read and then track back and read again, I struggle to concentrate and take it all in basically.

Is there a must read book that anyone can recommend for self discovering as a newly recognised autistic? 

  • Thanks for this recommendation, it’s on my list!

    In terms of recommendations for you:

    • We’re All Neurodiverse by Sonny Jane Wise - absolutely brilliant book.
    • Neuroqueer Heresies by Dr Nick Walker - another brilliant book 
    • Drama Queen by Sara Gibbs - very funny!

    I hope you enjoy these reads too!

  • Thank you so much for your recommendations. I’m going to try and do all of them, one at a time of course! 
    Never really thought about ADHD tbh as I’ve never really had and issues with behaviour but guess it’s not just about that solely is it?? My concentration is quite poor sometimes and quite often give up on things so that’s something else to consider.

    Thanks again everyone

  • Thank you so much for your recommendations. I’m going to try and do all of them, one at a time of course! 
    Never really thought about ADHD tbh as I’ve never really had and issues with behaviour but guess it’s not just about that solely is it?? My concentration is quite poor sometimes and quite often give up on things so that’s something else to consider.

    Thanks again everyone

  • Thank you so much for your recommendations. I’m going to try and do all of them, one at a time of course! 

    You are very welcome! 

    Never really thought about ADHD tbh as I’ve never really had and issues with behaviour but guess it’s not just about that solely is it?? My concentration is quite poor sometimes and quite often give up on things so that’s something else to consider.

    Of course not that’s a very generalised and harmful stereotype about ADHDers!

    Please be aware that many members of our autistic community are actually AuDHDers (autistic and ADHD) so be mindful of your comments. There is so much overlap between autistic and ADHD experiences!

    ADHD like autistic experience is a neurological difference and both of these experiences have commonalities including an interest based nervous system.

    ADHDers have a need for novelty, and urgency in order to be interested and therefore start tasks. The ADHD brain has differences in the way that dopamine is produced and used, (dopamine is not distributed evenly ) ADHDers are often referred to as dopamine seekers as they frequently find ways to meet this need by physical movements, internal hyperactivity, impulse buying etc..

    Like autistic people ADHDers can hyper focus on their interests so the actual name of this neurotype is not only harmful but misleading and inaccurate. It’s just that ADHDers have differences in how they regulate attention and more often than not can’t control what it is they focus on as interests override other priorities.

    ADHDers also experience differences in executive function (including inertia which is also common in our autistic community), sensory experience, emotional regulation (including intense emotions). The internal ADHD experience is much more nuanced and multi faceted than external observations of behaviour.

    If you would like to learn more please refer to these links below: