Hot all the time

I get this thing where I get hot all the time. My skin becomes hot and itchy, I hadn't properly noticed it until a few months ago and now it seems to happen to me all the time. I don't feel unwell with it but the itching can be annoying. Is this a woman's issue or anxiety or where I don't exercise enough? I don't do much exercise, I'm not fat but I would say I am unfit. But I do eat apples and junk like that. This hot thing, could it be hot flashes?

  • Hi Hacker, I noticed that you have fibromyalgia. I too have fibromyalgia. It can cause some sensory issues which might feel like heat or itchiness. This is a possibility. As Luna said it could also be hormonal.  Anxiety has a lot to answer for and can cause so many problems. Are you noticing any other symptoms. It might be worth you keeping a symptom diary for a few weeks and seeing if this heat is related to anything you are doing or eating or if you are experiencing any other symptoms at all. Heat can also be a sign of the body reacting to something the way hayfever can make you sneeze. Sometimes certain foods can make you hot or something else in your environment.  Personally I flush when I eat vinegary things and feel hot and prickly. Hope these suggestions help you to track down what is causing it. If you otherwise feel well then try not to worry too much.

  • This could be one of a number of things from anxiety to hormone problems, I've suffered from both, but leaning towards the anxiety as I get what you describe every single day.

    But it is probably a good idea to go and see your GP, rule other stuff out first, as it could be something like hormone levels which needs treating. But in the meantime you could try to limit your anxiety and see if that helps it - I don't have a miracle cure for anxiety unfortunately but different things help different people.

    I find music and writing helps mine. Oh, and if you can try going for a walk or exercising, both are a big help when it comes to anxiety for a lot of people. X