
there is  a girl with autism  ,doctore ha perscribed paroxine

in the morining with  breakfast

  too weak 

  • As Aspergerix says, adverse drug reactions need to be taken very seriously. This needs to be reported via the GP who should report this using the yellow card scheme.

    Tinnitus is not well understood (I have this and have been looking at what might have cause it) but it is suspected to be related to noise/damaged hearing, aspirin poisoning which may be related to salicylate sensitivity. There are different types of tinnitus - what sound does the girl hear, can she describe whether it is whistling, rustling, loud, quiet, continuous or intermittent?

    Presumably Paroxetine has been prescribed for depression? Drugs like this (SSRIs) are sometimes ineffective in people with autism. Has the depression actually been helped by the drug?

  • As Aspergerix says, adverse drug reactions need to be taken very seriously. This needs to be reported via the GP who should report this using the yellow card scheme.

    Tinnitus is not well understood (I have this and have been looking at what might have cause it) but it is suspected to be related to noise/damaged hearing, aspirin poisoning which may be related to salicylate sensitivity. There are different types of tinnitus - what sound does the girl hear, can she describe whether it is whistling, rustling, loud, quiet, continuous or intermittent?

    Presumably Paroxetine has been prescribed for depression? Drugs like this (SSRIs) are sometimes ineffective in people with autism. Has the depression actually been helped by the drug?

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