unfair treatment in school

unfair treatment in school

i have a 6 year old son with ASD and stuggles with everyday life especially at school.

he has recently been diagnosied which didnt come as a shock as we have been fighting for help for hm since aged 1.

school life is terrible.. he has been bullied badly since day one and the school keep saying he will sort it. he has had vaurious injuries at school aily to the head as he is not suppervised at all despitw them assuring me he is.

we have no help or under standing from anyone. we are at a complete loss. my son is not safe at the school he is at now and we dont know what rights he should have etc..]the class teacher is an utter *** she doesnt give a damn about my child nor does she pretnd too.

anyone that can help with info please please do 

  • thedunns said:

    yeah i took that test online and it said that there was a high chance that i was autistic. i went to the doctor recently expressing my concern and they basically laughed at me and said that im just a strange person and self diagnoising.. i also spoke to my mum and my husband about it and they both said that some of my behaviour ie social situations,communication,facial expressions noise severe anxiety was similar to what my son is like.

    the doctor said that it doesnt appear to upsetting my everyday life but yet diagnoised me with depression.

    The reason I asked was that you had fallen out with the teacher and used an unusual term to describe her. It is very unusual to describe a teacher like that and perhaps was an example of someone not knowing and understanding the boundaries of normal. Have you had other conflicts in your life?

    Depression is very common with ASD but can be dealt with if you get to understand what the disorder means.

  • thedunns said:

    yeah i took that test online and it said that there was a high chance that i was autistic. i went to the doctor recently expressing my concern and they basically laughed at me and said that im just a strange person and self diagnoising.. i also spoke to my mum and my husband about it and they both said that some of my behaviour ie social situations,communication,facial expressions noise severe anxiety was similar to what my son is like.

    the doctor said that it doesnt appear to upsetting my everyday life but yet diagnoised me with depression.

    The reason I asked was that you had fallen out with the teacher and used an unusual term to describe her. It is very unusual to describe a teacher like that and perhaps was an example of someone not knowing and understanding the boundaries of normal. Have you had other conflicts in your life?

    Depression is very common with ASD but can be dealt with if you get to understand what the disorder means.

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