unfair treatment in school

unfair treatment in school

i have a 6 year old son with ASD and stuggles with everyday life especially at school.

he has recently been diagnosied which didnt come as a shock as we have been fighting for help for hm since aged 1.

school life is terrible.. he has been bullied badly since day one and the school keep saying he will sort it. he has had vaurious injuries at school aily to the head as he is not suppervised at all despitw them assuring me he is.

we have no help or under standing from anyone. we are at a complete loss. my son is not safe at the school he is at now and we dont know what rights he should have etc..]the class teacher is an utter *** she doesnt give a damn about my child nor does she pretnd too.

anyone that can help with info please please do 

  • the bullying at school..

    has been happening since day of primary one. they have punched kicked spat pulled his hair poked him in the eye strangled him..

    i was told by the school after complaning 7 days a week for months , he gives as good as he gets, he brngs it on him self and he can be rough with other people, he doesnt try to make friends with people, then they said no he has lots of friends dont worry, and then they said autistic children make things up as they were obviously sick of me complainig.

    the wheelchair incident

    i told his teacher last week that he wouldnt be in on monday this week as he was getting his wheelchair she had a big smile on her face and nodded and walked away.

    i wrote in his communication diary the same thing to which she also ignored 

    then told her again ignored again

    monday came 6 missed calls to my mobile vaurious messages also my house phone my husband and they also called his work.

    when i called them back after leaving the hospital they knew nothing about it nd the teacher denied me saying despite me having written on the diary.

    it absolutely clear to see that the teacher doesnt give a rats ass about my son and finds him hard work and a pain.. but there is also another asd child and also a wheelchair user in the classroom and they dont get treated this way..

    i knew this teacher from when i was at school and was also friends with her daughter but the friendship fizzled out as her priorities are different from mine.. my kids always come first where as she would leave hers at the drop of a hat wth anybody that would take them..

    i personally think that this is beyond just my son and that it is personal .. since he started in her class and i kept complaining her daughter walks past myself and my family and also blocked me fro facebook.. very childish.. she also started trying to cause problems for my mum who runs the after school care attached to the school.

    he gets left out on almost everything.. when giving out reindeer food last week he didnt get any ,giving out juice or fruit at the end of the day the apples get given out first so he doesnt get any as he has bad allergies and eats a limited diet..

    we suggested a sensory space for him in school - nope refused

    asn support worker - refused apparently they wont get funding as there already is one in the class that helps the other autistic boy

    we bought ear protectors for him and she said she hopes the novelty wears off with them as apparently he keeps touching them and disscourges use of them- i have never seen him play with them, when there on they stay on.

    suggested music for him when he is strugging and also to take him out of the class still hsnt happened 

    my husband and i had a meeting at the school at the end of october and disscussed with his case worker that he needs someone to watch him in the play ground and she suggested structured gaes with aduts help still hasnt happened..

    since then i have complained 3 times about more bullying and it still hasnt stopped.

    i had to take my son home every luch time for two months at the begining of p2 so he wouldnt get beaten up..

    everyday he goes to that school his life is a missery he walks around alone,has no friends,they steal his coat put it in the mud or run away with it hit him call him names pull his hair etc

    we are at a complete loss of what to do but i dont thing anything could be much worse than that school. he is avery bright boy and just needs care and understading and i dont doubt that we will have every success in life.. 

  • the bullying at school..

    has been happening since day of primary one. they have punched kicked spat pulled his hair poked him in the eye strangled him..

    i was told by the school after complaning 7 days a week for months , he gives as good as he gets, he brngs it on him self and he can be rough with other people, he doesnt try to make friends with people, then they said no he has lots of friends dont worry, and then they said autistic children make things up as they were obviously sick of me complainig.

    the wheelchair incident

    i told his teacher last week that he wouldnt be in on monday this week as he was getting his wheelchair she had a big smile on her face and nodded and walked away.

    i wrote in his communication diary the same thing to which she also ignored 

    then told her again ignored again

    monday came 6 missed calls to my mobile vaurious messages also my house phone my husband and they also called his work.

    when i called them back after leaving the hospital they knew nothing about it nd the teacher denied me saying despite me having written on the diary.

    it absolutely clear to see that the teacher doesnt give a rats ass about my son and finds him hard work and a pain.. but there is also another asd child and also a wheelchair user in the classroom and they dont get treated this way..

    i knew this teacher from when i was at school and was also friends with her daughter but the friendship fizzled out as her priorities are different from mine.. my kids always come first where as she would leave hers at the drop of a hat wth anybody that would take them..

    i personally think that this is beyond just my son and that it is personal .. since he started in her class and i kept complaining her daughter walks past myself and my family and also blocked me fro facebook.. very childish.. she also started trying to cause problems for my mum who runs the after school care attached to the school.

    he gets left out on almost everything.. when giving out reindeer food last week he didnt get any ,giving out juice or fruit at the end of the day the apples get given out first so he doesnt get any as he has bad allergies and eats a limited diet..

    we suggested a sensory space for him in school - nope refused

    asn support worker - refused apparently they wont get funding as there already is one in the class that helps the other autistic boy

    we bought ear protectors for him and she said she hopes the novelty wears off with them as apparently he keeps touching them and disscourges use of them- i have never seen him play with them, when there on they stay on.

    suggested music for him when he is strugging and also to take him out of the class still hsnt happened 

    my husband and i had a meeting at the school at the end of october and disscussed with his case worker that he needs someone to watch him in the play ground and she suggested structured gaes with aduts help still hasnt happened..

    since then i have complained 3 times about more bullying and it still hasnt stopped.

    i had to take my son home every luch time for two months at the begining of p2 so he wouldnt get beaten up..

    everyday he goes to that school his life is a missery he walks around alone,has no friends,they steal his coat put it in the mud or run away with it hit him call him names pull his hair etc

    we are at a complete loss of what to do but i dont thing anything could be much worse than that school. he is avery bright boy and just needs care and understading and i dont doubt that we will have every success in life.. 

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