unfair treatment in school

unfair treatment in school

i have a 6 year old son with ASD and stuggles with everyday life especially at school.

he has recently been diagnosied which didnt come as a shock as we have been fighting for help for hm since aged 1.

school life is terrible.. he has been bullied badly since day one and the school keep saying he will sort it. he has had vaurious injuries at school aily to the head as he is not suppervised at all despitw them assuring me he is.

we have no help or under standing from anyone. we are at a complete loss. my son is not safe at the school he is at now and we dont know what rights he should have etc..]the class teacher is an utter *** she doesnt give a damn about my child nor does she pretnd too.

anyone that can help with info please please do 

  • thats for replying soo quickly..

    we dont have a social worker. i wasnt aware we should have one, we were literally given leaflets and left to deal with it alone.

    yesterday our son was given a wheelchair (large pushchair) told his teacher and she didnnt giive a damn.

    he has behaviour,social,communication,senory problems. he has problems with noise and bright light.

    he has no friends yet he can be the most amazing little boy. he can become very aggressive with people mainly at home but recently at school also.

    we are looking into another school for him at the moment, we would prefer him to go to one with a unit attached to it as we feel he doesnt get the support he needs.

    we are in two minds about a special school because we thought it might slow him down ? as he is a very very bright little boy.. his doctor said its been a very long time since she saw such a clever child like him and said he was a mathimatical genius ;)

  • thats for replying soo quickly..

    we dont have a social worker. i wasnt aware we should have one, we were literally given leaflets and left to deal with it alone.

    yesterday our son was given a wheelchair (large pushchair) told his teacher and she didnnt giive a damn.

    he has behaviour,social,communication,senory problems. he has problems with noise and bright light.

    he has no friends yet he can be the most amazing little boy. he can become very aggressive with people mainly at home but recently at school also.

    we are looking into another school for him at the moment, we would prefer him to go to one with a unit attached to it as we feel he doesnt get the support he needs.

    we are in two minds about a special school because we thought it might slow him down ? as he is a very very bright little boy.. his doctor said its been a very long time since she saw such a clever child like him and said he was a mathimatical genius ;)

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