Good news!

After being contacted by an MEP amongst others, the council have now changed their adamant minds and will allow my child to be dropped at his childminder after school. This is an incredible relief and allows my son to continue his routine of going to the childminder three times a week and allows me to sustain employment thus his environment. 

I continue to press for a permanent change in this policy as the upset and distress this situation has caused is not what I wish to go through again or any other parent in the same position as me. 

Finally I am back on track in preparing my son for his big day tomorrow - his first at secondary school :-).

I wanted to let everyone know whose been supportive of my quest and listened to my worries. Also that there are some good people out there willing to help bring positive change. Granted you have to go through the unhelpful ones too to get to such people. But after a terribly anxious time things are looking up :-) - Phew!

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