Good news!

After being contacted by an MEP amongst others, the council have now changed their adamant minds and will allow my child to be dropped at his childminder after school. This is an incredible relief and allows my son to continue his routine of going to the childminder three times a week and allows me to sustain employment thus his environment. 

I continue to press for a permanent change in this policy as the upset and distress this situation has caused is not what I wish to go through again or any other parent in the same position as me. 

Finally I am back on track in preparing my son for his big day tomorrow - his first at secondary school :-).

I wanted to let everyone know whose been supportive of my quest and listened to my worries. Also that there are some good people out there willing to help bring positive change. Granted you have to go through the unhelpful ones too to get to such people. But after a terribly anxious time things are looking up :-) - Phew!

  • recombinantsocks said:

    As a parting shot I would recommend a book called Sun Tzu's Art of War. This talks about when to pick fights, when to give up, when to fight to the death etc.It's short and easy to read but it has some sound advice.


    The Project Gutenburg Etext is well translated, prefaced and annotated and suitiable for the casual reader. The Art of War is a work of genius whos game theory can be applied to almost anything. Well worth reading. 

  • Thanks Socks, I was a little suprised and very thankful with the support I received from local politicians. I understand you win some and lose some but thankful to have a positive outcome this time :-). Thanks for the book recommendation - I'll have a look at that. Think its always worth 'picking your battles' that is letting some go so that you can really fight the most important ones to you. Thank-you for saying I've inspired you and hope this shows there are some good people out there willing to help, its just finding them :-). 

  • Well done! I don't think I would have dared, or bothered, to contact MPs or MEPs etc. You've inspired me to perhaps to be more ambitious in future!

    As a parting shot I would recommend a book called Sun Tzu's Art of War. This talks about when to pick fights, when to give up, when to fight to the death etc.It's short and easy to read but it has some sound advice.


  • Thank-you definately time to celebrate :-) I'm glad Crystal you finally won the fight to get what your son needed. I totally understand what you mean at how stressful and depressing it is having to fight the system on top of providing a calm and consistent environment for your child and dealing with and helping your child deal with the challenges autism can bring. We are already disadvantaged in the fight because it is something so close to us emotionally - our children and in my experience that emotion can quickly lead to burn out. But on a brighter note I have spoken to some good people the last few days and know they are out there. I'm hoping for a period of calm with no issues for either of us for a good while now :-) 

  • Well done! - really pleased that after all your hard work you have knocked some sense in to these people - time to celebrate! X

  • Hi again - v pleased for you Smile.  |Phew!  I hope things go well when he starts at school. I fought my lea tooth + nail for 2 yrs to get what my son needed.  It's so v depressing + stressful.  I think I didn't realise for quite a while how cynical they were as the bottom line was always money.  I had been warned about that but somehow thought our case wd convince them.  It was only when I wrote threatening to take them all the way that they relented.  So I'd say to parents, don't waste too much time trying to persuade them (whoever "they" may be).  Get those with power on your side if you can - it cd make all the difference.