
My 14 year is really struggling with sleep. She takes melatonin, has a sleepy tea and has good sleep hygiene but it isn’t enough. She is highly anxious about school, is barely there, CAMHS have so far refused to see her. She was awake last night for the whole night. I went into her on/off. She is now asleep but I won’t leave her to sleep in for too long for fear of it effecting tonight. I think she needs anti anxiety meds which she can only access through CAMHS. I gather she has to have tried to take her own life before they will even put her on a waiting list… any suggestions? It is so heartbreaking to be in this position… Like so many others 

she has a bath, listens to audiobooks which she likes, we use aromatherapy, she can use a weighted blanket… I am so worried about the lack of sleep and then the lack of education. 

  • Sleep and Hydration are absolute keys to health and well-being. We know, scientifically, a lack of both is deadly. I don't know how else to say this... 

    I think she needs anti anxiety meds

    You're not wrong, but it's also not a long-term solution. She's quite young, but you may be able to see a private to get a small dose for emergencies. But you'll want something specific -

    Autism can come part and parcel with biological stress-induced 'anxiety'. On the surface, symptoms of anxiety-over-excitement can appear the same as our non-autistic peers. The difference can be with lower GABA. 

    I take a half to quarter dose of Xanax if it's pushing 3am and my head is racing with all the ways I can save the planet or the orchestration I should write. Melodies will whirl away looping into infinity. At 50, I've learned to the signs of anxiety as a doctor told me at 35 I needed to take something or I'd have a stroke by 40. 

    But these aren't a daily solution. 3 doses in a row are enough to start an addiction. Further, grapefruit will cause overdose, and the jury is out as to bitter orange in marmalade. 

    My daily routine includes an herbal hormone balancing suppliment and a mushroom tonic with Reishi and Lions Mane. There are a great many nootropics out there, all of which  boost alpha waves (I'd had mine tested, so I know these things work), which creates a sense of calm. They contain building blocks for GABA, responsible for internal 'inhibition' (a little better filtering and shutting down excited thoughts), and then aid immune system and gut-health, better focus and clarity and so on. 

    But then I've also gotten to the point where I don't have to be around toxic behaviours, I have the agency to exit if something is stressful and Opt out of anything I want. I know the yoga poses to aid physiology. I can change the lightbulbs in my home to halogen (natural sources), buy unscented detergent, minimise polyester (which is plastic) in clothing to near nil, and spend a day in a quiet environment. I've exited bad relationships and stuck my nose in enough books to work out how to identify boundaries vs abuse. How to navigate and see harmful behaviour and identify it, which was a giant stressor most of my life. Schools to day sound completely anti-human :( This is a whole lifestyle, and I can honestly say, the meds did help make certain decisions 15 years ago to embark on them so I didn't need to rely on them. Now it's maybe every other month I might need the extra boost. 

    Last, to note, I'm reading too many stories of kids being given anti-depressants and SSRIs which have a side effect of further lowering GABA. Not all but many do. And in a case where it's Autistic or ADHD and this is the key issue, it feels irresponsible.

    I'm not a doctor, so best to speak with one first. However, the nootropics and functional mushrooms might do the trick, though they take a while to kick in. 

  • Sleep and Hydration are absolute keys to health and well-being. We know, scientifically, a lack of both is deadly. I don't know how else to say this... 

    I think she needs anti anxiety meds

    You're not wrong, but it's also not a long-term solution. She's quite young, but you may be able to see a private to get a small dose for emergencies. But you'll want something specific -

    Autism can come part and parcel with biological stress-induced 'anxiety'. On the surface, symptoms of anxiety-over-excitement can appear the same as our non-autistic peers. The difference can be with lower GABA. 

    I take a half to quarter dose of Xanax if it's pushing 3am and my head is racing with all the ways I can save the planet or the orchestration I should write. Melodies will whirl away looping into infinity. At 50, I've learned to the signs of anxiety as a doctor told me at 35 I needed to take something or I'd have a stroke by 40. 

    But these aren't a daily solution. 3 doses in a row are enough to start an addiction. Further, grapefruit will cause overdose, and the jury is out as to bitter orange in marmalade. 

    My daily routine includes an herbal hormone balancing suppliment and a mushroom tonic with Reishi and Lions Mane. There are a great many nootropics out there, all of which  boost alpha waves (I'd had mine tested, so I know these things work), which creates a sense of calm. They contain building blocks for GABA, responsible for internal 'inhibition' (a little better filtering and shutting down excited thoughts), and then aid immune system and gut-health, better focus and clarity and so on. 

    But then I've also gotten to the point where I don't have to be around toxic behaviours, I have the agency to exit if something is stressful and Opt out of anything I want. I know the yoga poses to aid physiology. I can change the lightbulbs in my home to halogen (natural sources), buy unscented detergent, minimise polyester (which is plastic) in clothing to near nil, and spend a day in a quiet environment. I've exited bad relationships and stuck my nose in enough books to work out how to identify boundaries vs abuse. How to navigate and see harmful behaviour and identify it, which was a giant stressor most of my life. Schools to day sound completely anti-human :( This is a whole lifestyle, and I can honestly say, the meds did help make certain decisions 15 years ago to embark on them so I didn't need to rely on them. Now it's maybe every other month I might need the extra boost. 

    Last, to note, I'm reading too many stories of kids being given anti-depressants and SSRIs which have a side effect of further lowering GABA. Not all but many do. And in a case where it's Autistic or ADHD and this is the key issue, it feels irresponsible.

    I'm not a doctor, so best to speak with one first. However, the nootropics and functional mushrooms might do the trick, though they take a while to kick in. 

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