Autism at University

My daughter just started at university and she's finding anxiety is crippling. She has an autism diagnosis. Now she is finding she is too anxious to go out of her room, and is really struggling. What advice do others have about this scenario?

She was adamant she wanted to try somewhere else away from home, and didn't take a year out either. I'm torn about what to do for the best, and worried about her mental health. 

  • I’m not starting uni until next week so I can’t yet comment on my experience, but a year ago I thought I’d feel exactly the same and was so scared about everything so I did take a gap year which has been amazing to help me feel more prepared, become more comfortable around other people and just really improved my mental health. I know you said she didn’t want to take a year out but if you’re really worried or if she’s really struggling then maybe it’s something to discuss? You could also talk to the uni and see if there’s any other help or support they could offer. Otherwise she could try and take it slow, get out of her room a tiny bit more each day, gradually feeling comfortable enough to go out??

  • I’m not starting uni until next week so I can’t yet comment on my experience, but a year ago I thought I’d feel exactly the same and was so scared about everything so I did take a gap year which has been amazing to help me feel more prepared, become more comfortable around other people and just really improved my mental health. I know you said she didn’t want to take a year out but if you’re really worried or if she’s really struggling then maybe it’s something to discuss? You could also talk to the uni and see if there’s any other help or support they could offer. Otherwise she could try and take it slow, get out of her room a tiny bit more each day, gradually feeling comfortable enough to go out??

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