Advice for my autistic son

So my son is autistic (I am too btw) and he is currently dealing with a lot of change that he is struggling to process. It's causing him to start becoming irrationally angry and lashing out and shouting about every little thing. 

He has just finished nursery and he is really struggling to process not going back there ever again or seeing his friends there. He is also starting school for the first time in September and is really anxious and struggling to process that change. In addition, I have started working for the first time in 4 months when he is used to having me home all the time which has changed a lot of his usual daily routines

I just want to know 2 things. Firstly, is this normal behaviour for an autistic child facing a lot of change?

Secondly, what can I do to help him process and cope with all the change and manage his emotions better? What techniques or ideas help with this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated 

  • This is my experience with my son with most changes in his life. I guess like me you understand what goes through your mind with all the uncertainty, but we have developed some ways to manage it. You also point out how difficult it is with so many changes and I guess you too are feeling this.

    You mention new routines with you working. Is it possible to discuss how this will work with the emphasis on what parts of the routine will be the same or similar?

    The way my son was helped to cope with some transitions was by having as many visits as possible. I presume he has visited, can you talk about what he remembers from that? I also found it helpful talking to other parents whose children were already there as so much was new to me. My son is currently in a transition between school and college. They have been the most understanding with visits. Although there has been a lot of preparation the outcome is still unknown and he now grunts when stressed.

    He will have lots of new things and I presume you have already got a bag, lunchbox etc. Is there anything he can do to help prepare such as something special he can have in his bag to remind him of home? Will he take a snack and if so does he know what he will take, for example?

    Are there any CBeebies programmes where children are starting school where you have an opportunity to re-enforce it will be ok, a bit like nursery, but new things as well?

    I am not sure if he knows any of the other children going. My son knew two and that was helpful at first. 

    When he starts school I presume whoever is taking him will be able to go in with him and help him find where everything is. Also try to find out as much as you can about what he will be doing from staff so you can reassure him as much as possible. Perhaps also talk about who he can ask if he is not sure, such as support staff. When my son was at Primary they used to have a morning where you stayed briefly to do games with them, (before leaving for work). Not sure if this is possible for you or your wife. They also invited parents to join a lesson once a term. This for me gave a lot of insight as to how he needed to be supported.

  • This is my experience with my son with most changes in his life. I guess like me you understand what goes through your mind with all the uncertainty, but we have developed some ways to manage it. You also point out how difficult it is with so many changes and I guess you too are feeling this.

    You mention new routines with you working. Is it possible to discuss how this will work with the emphasis on what parts of the routine will be the same or similar?

    The way my son was helped to cope with some transitions was by having as many visits as possible. I presume he has visited, can you talk about what he remembers from that? I also found it helpful talking to other parents whose children were already there as so much was new to me. My son is currently in a transition between school and college. They have been the most understanding with visits. Although there has been a lot of preparation the outcome is still unknown and he now grunts when stressed.

    He will have lots of new things and I presume you have already got a bag, lunchbox etc. Is there anything he can do to help prepare such as something special he can have in his bag to remind him of home? Will he take a snack and if so does he know what he will take, for example?

    Are there any CBeebies programmes where children are starting school where you have an opportunity to re-enforce it will be ok, a bit like nursery, but new things as well?

    I am not sure if he knows any of the other children going. My son knew two and that was helpful at first. 

    When he starts school I presume whoever is taking him will be able to go in with him and help him find where everything is. Also try to find out as much as you can about what he will be doing from staff so you can reassure him as much as possible. Perhaps also talk about who he can ask if he is not sure, such as support staff. When my son was at Primary they used to have a morning where you stayed briefly to do games with them, (before leaving for work). Not sure if this is possible for you or your wife. They also invited parents to join a lesson once a term. This for me gave a lot of insight as to how he needed to be supported.

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