Self help book for people with autism?

Does anyone know of any good book they could recommend , 

A clinical psychologist once tried cognitive therapy on me about 35 years ago but im not sure if it did me any good

he never diagnosed me as being autistic anyway,  I was just treated for depression at the time.

About 35 years ago i read all kinds of self help books but it wasn't specialized for Autism. 

I read "The road less travelled" "How to stop worrying and start living" I must of read over 20 self help books with little improvement. 

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  • Thanks for the Recommendation I've ordered the book,  I'm willing to try to find some tips to cope with stressful situations.   I have learn't a few tips already off the site.  I took my two cats to the Vet yesterday for their Annual checkup, Usually it stresses me out with them because they meow constantly when they are in their cat carrier I usually find it a stressful ordeal every year especially when they are in the car on the way. I bought some ear defenders and wore them all the way to the vets.  I would never of thought of doing that before I joined this site but it helped me alot.