Self help book for people with autism?

Does anyone know of any good book they could recommend , 

A clinical psychologist once tried cognitive therapy on me about 35 years ago but im not sure if it did me any good

he never diagnosed me as being autistic anyway,  I was just treated for depression at the time.

About 35 years ago i read all kinds of self help books but it wasn't specialized for Autism. 

I read "The road less travelled" "How to stop worrying and start living" I must of read over 20 self help books with little improvement. 

  • Untypical by Pete Wharmby is a really good book about being autistic

    Anything by Dr Luke Beardon is pretty good too 

  • I'm going to make an appointment at my doctors and ask for an assessment. I'm 99% sure I'm Autistic 

  • Thanks for the Recommendation I've ordered the book,  I'm willing to try to find some tips to cope with stressful situations.   I have learn't a few tips already off the site.  I took my two cats to the Vet yesterday for their Annual checkup, Usually it stresses me out with them because they meow constantly when they are in their cat carrier I usually find it a stressful ordeal every year especially when they are in the car on the way. I bought some ear defenders and wore them all the way to the vets.  I would never of thought of doing that before I joined this site but it helped me alot. 

  • I must of read over 20 self help books with little improvement. 

    It sounds like you need to stop this route and try something else.

    I would recommend finding a therapist with a lot of experience in helping autistic clients and they can probably find what formula works best for you.

    There is something quite different about reading about how to apply "self help" and actualy implementing the steps effectively. Once the threapist can find the right formulae for you then you are likely to get much better results.

    All in my opinion of course.

  • But everyone feels this way 

    an autistics guide to therapy

  • I recommend:

    Self-Care for Autistic People: 100+ Ways to Recharge, De-Stress, and Unmask!

    Hardcover - 25 April 2024 - by Dr. Megan Anna Neff

    "Self-Care for Autistic People can help you engage in some neurodivergent self-care—without pretending to be neurotypical. You’ll find more than 100 activities that help you accept yourself, destigmatize autism, find your community, and take care of your physical and mental health."

  • We are such a broad Community of Autistic people that picking one book to suit everyone is a challenge. 

    There may be some books popular and helpful among many of us (although we do not always face exactly the same challenges as each other).

    I find my favourite / most helpful books about Autism topics and Autistic lives well lived are generally written by authors who are themselves Autistic people.

    Maybe it might be easier for people on the Forum to offer appropriate book recommendations if you were to pick a couple of initial challenges against which you are trying to make progress and let us know?

    Our Community is usually really generous with the effort put into sharing book recommendations ... however, there is often a desire to "get it right" (relevant and appropriate in support of the person seeking book titles).